How to find out why removed?


Oct 28, 2004
My site ( ) was recently removed from the category of in the directory after having been listed for about 2 1/2-3 years.

My question is How can I find out why my site was removed from this category. As this site has only grown with more content added to the pages, the information is constantly updated, and the site appears to be consistant with the type of information that other sites in this category offer, I cannot understand why it was removed by the category editor.

I did try emailing the editor but have not heard back from them. As I feel that inclusion in the ODP is like a "vote of approval" I would really like to have my listing re-instated but if there is something wrong with the site preventing this I would have to know what it is so that I may correct the situation. As is often the case, when you are too close to something very frequently one gets used to its appearance which makes it hard to see the faults, this may be my problem in understanding the removal of my site.

I am sorry if I posted this question in the wrong section but after searching around the different areas of the forum I felt that posting it here it would be less likely to be off-topic

Thanks for your reply!



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Roughly speaking, you can't get that information. The editor involved is strongly (and prudently) advised not to respond to such questions. All other editors know is what that editor mentioned in notes.

As for growth, that may well be true, and yet that growth might have been "in a direction not necessarily in the surfer's best interests." Or it might have been growing, but not fast enough to keep up with the rising standards in touristy-directory categories.

What you can do (by game-playing the forum rules) is resubmit to the category, and ask about the submittal after a month. This will often result in an independent review of a site, and very occasionally (less than 1% of the time) a rejection will be deemed erroneous, and corrected.)


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I don't understand the advice to give us both (you the site owner and ODP) extra work. As if we at ODP haven't enough suggestions to review.

Your site has been delisted because the amount of unique content between all the affiliate links is not enough.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
OK, there's the second review you wanted. You should take that as final, which will free you from worrying about the ODP and allow you to focus on promotional venues appropriate for your site.


Oct 28, 2004
Ok, well thanks for the 2nd review.

Anyway, thanks for the information you have provided, as well as the listing for the time it lasted.

Have a great day!

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.