How to get a site relisted


Mar 8, 2004
I have aquired a domain that used to be listed in DMOZ. after that I had aquired the domain it was taken off the directory. It was listed in: Category.

The site has the same type of content as it used to.

Is there someway that I can get the site relisted, this is important since it is in a very crowded category where the first in line rule seems to be applied. My chances to get it listed if I make a new applications is most likely slim.

Thanks in advance,


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
So if I understand you correctly, it's a different web site under different ownership that just so happens to be reusing an old URL that was listed in times past.

Please just suggest it with the Suggest URL/Add URL link in the usual way. I'm afraid we can't give you priority just because the previous URL owner used to be listed.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If a site goes dead, we remove it. And if a site has gone dead, we would (at best) consider it a new submittal, and review it from scratch. This is particularly true if the domain has changed hands.

You can't inherit a domain's former listing. On the other hand, you do inherit any bad reputation the domain formerly had. And if you put significantly different content on the domain before we spot it, then the site may be removed with extreme prejudice for what we call "bait and switch" -- even if it might have otherwise been listable. All in all, a lose-lose situation and a very bad deal, I'd think. So we'd consider that people who SELL "expired domains that are listed in the ODP" to be engaged in fraud. (The ODP is another target and the victim of such frauds, as they are also tantamount to "conspiracy to commit bait-and-switch", and we take them VERY personally.)

You are wrong about the "first come" rule. We try to list the actual provider of content, regardless of which affiliate doorway spammer first brings it to our attention. If _you_ have actual unique content that you developed yourself, you can get in anytime. If you don't, then even if you ever get in by accident or fraud, you will always have the worry that someone will re-review the site and catch on to the scam. (I haven't looked at this site to see which if any of these conditions apply.)

So, for all those reasons, what you were hoping won't and can't be allowed to happen.


Mar 8, 2004
Thanks for your answers. When I bought the domain I was not aware of any listings, I bought it purely because I liked the domain name and have never considered any bad way of handling this, If I would, I wouldnt of course ask the question. The listings I found out about later so I just wanted to know from you what rules that applies to this. I like the DMOZ and would of course like my site to get listed there but I can myself see that there are many similar once, therefore my question. Still I am starting to belive that the whole DMOZ thing is getting out of proportion sometimes in the discussions, I understand what you are trying to do. I am not so sure that everybody else does, it seems that many thinks this is the way to get listed on Google, or the reverse :rolleyes: .
Anyway, the site is submitted and lets see what the editor says.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.