How to get posted or not.


Mar 19, 2004
For the last year I have been trying to get a site listed:
<URL removed>

Tried different categories submitted site once a month.

No luck.

For the past 4 years I tried to get a site posted no luck... just gave up.

Took 8 months to get one site posted on the DMOZ after bitching in the forum. So the only way I know how to get listed is by complaining in the forum.

Maybe it will work again.

Would you wait 8 months for a hamburger? Or should I be screaming how wonderful the editors are for getting listed after making such a bitch.

Have you done any stats on how many times people have to submitt to get posted?

The only way I know how to get posted is by complaining how bad the food is.

So if you want compliments quit reading the forums and post sites.

<URL removed>


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Bitching in the forum will not get your site listed faster. It might get you banned from the forum, depending on how persistent you are doing it, but it won't get your site listed faster. So please refrain from doing so.

Have you done any stats on how many times people have to submitt to get posted?
You are forgetting the basic ODP fact that the pool of suggested sites *is not* our priority. So statistics related to the suggesting of sites are not something we care to compile.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
The problem is, there is not, and has never been, a way to get listed in the ODP. It says so right in the submittal policies. "No site is guaranteed a listing."

Or think of it like this. You're not a customer. You're crawling around in the trash dumpster behind the restaurant, complaining because the deliveries are irregular and the food is stale.

But nobody in the restaurant cares about the value, nutritional or otherwise, of the trash -- because trash is an unavoidable byproduct of food preparation.

You want to be an ODP user and see its incomparable service? Great, the doors are always open, and you can browse the menus anytime. And if you ever find anything indigestable on the menu -- complain, please! We care about those problems: they are often fixed within hours.

But you'll have to climb out of the dumpster. There are no meals, no service, and no guarantee provided there. Things that look edible often are toxic. Edible portions are purely accidental. And you run a major risk of being carried out with the trash.
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