How to get site re-reviewed?



How do I let DMOZ know that I have made the changes that the editor recommended and that I am now ready for a re-review?

I was told a few months ago that I seemed like an "affiliate"... and was dismissed accordingly. The editor gave me advice as to a few things I could do to prove I am not merely an affiliate site. Those things have been done. I have resubmitted my site with a note to that effect in the description field of the submission form but I don't know what else I can do. Any thoughts?



Cool. Thanks.

How do I know if my site has actually been re-reviewed or not? How do I know if the editor feels my changes are sufficient or not?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If the editor makes changes, you'll see changes.

If the editor either considers the request over-the-top and deletes it out of hand; or re-reviews the site and upon reflection feels the current description meets the needs of users as well as anything with which it could be replaced, you'll not see changes.

In neither case will the editor contact you.

To know whether the request has been considered, look at the "Site submission" forum here.
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