How to modify an entry


May 28, 2004
Our website has been listed for quite some time. However, due to some changes, the description is no longer entirely correct. I have done some submissions to get it changed, but I have been trying now for more than a year. Can you provide me with some instructions on how to get an entry changed?


Go to the category where the current listing resides and click the "Update Listing" link in the top right corner. You will be prompted for the URL (use the one as it currently appears in ODP) then follow the directions to change the information.

Please note that update requests go in the same area as new submissions, so all the advice for the time for a request to be reviewed applies. You say you've been doing submission for over a year; have you been doing update requests or submitting it as if it were a new URL? If the latter, they will almost certainly have been discarded since the listing already exists. You need to use the "update listing" tool. You can request a status of your update request in the Site Submission Status forum but, again, the same rules apply. Wait a month before initial query and six months between re-queries and be sure to post a clickable link to the category.

Please also note that there is no requirement to accept update requests if the current URL, title and description are accurate. If you're thinking of add marketing-speak to the description, don't.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.