How to resubmit if I goofed first time

chris m

May 24, 2007

I submitted my site about 9 months ago and looking back don't think I did it properly. I think I used marketing sales hype type lingo in the submission for description of my site and I didn't followed other guidelines properly as well. Plus my site had very little original content at the time (now it has quite a bit). My bad.

Is there anyway to resubmit my site? Maybe voiding out the old submission and starting fresh so I can submit following the guidelines to a tee this time?

If so, what's the process I should follow?

Thank you in advance for your help


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Hi Chris,

I think I used marketing sales hype type lingo in the submission for description of my site and I didn't followed other guidelines properly as well.
That wouldn't have been a problem in itself, since the reviewing editor probably wouldn't have used your description in any case - but it is also true that a guidelines-compliant description for a suggested site can make the review time shorter (simply because the editors, being human, sometimes like to pick the lowest fruit; in addition a compliant description is rare enough in a suggestion that it might make the editor curious about the site :) )

Plus my site had very little original content at the time (now it has quite a bit).
That, on the other hand, would have been a problem if the site was reviewed before there was much content. If I were you, I'd suggest the site again; if you suggest it to the same category, the old suggestion will be overwritten, but even if it isn't, you will not be labelled a spammer after just two suggestions of the same site. Go ahead and send it in again. Thanks!
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