How to submit an URL with Login/Password


Jun 11, 2004

The site I would like to submit requires Login/Password.
We would like to submit it so that anyone may access the Index page, knows that the site exists, and become able to contact us for an account (doctors).

I would like to submit the URL and give you Login/Password to let you evaluate the site. But where can I post these Login/Password in the form? I won't dare put them in the Description field, being afraid every one could see them in the result page.


Mar 15, 2004
I would like to submit the URL and give you Login/Password to let you evaluate the site. But where can I post these Login/Password in the form? I won't dare put them in the Description field, being afraid every one could see them in the result page.

Until an editor reviews it, it will not be viewable to the public, only editors. Login/passwords would be removed from the description before porting, indeed most descriptions are edited in any case.

If you wish you could place the login information on the bottom of the description, perhaps as [login information: user/pass PLEASE DELETE AFTER REVIEW]. For extra security, maybe use a temporary account name that can be discarded after your logs show that the site has been reviewed. Just some possibilities.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I think you'll need to leave a login active so that the site can be re-reviewed. If this is an adult site, we can move this post to the Adult thread, and the editors there can discuss their usual procedures. (Dealing with passworded sites is the norm in some categories there.)


Jun 24, 2003

I suppose you're talking about here, as you already requested a submission status for this site over in the French forum ( ).
We would like to submit it so that anyone may access the Index page, knows that the site exists, and become able to contact us for an account (doctors).
I currently see no possibility on the site to contact you for an account, all I see is something that looks like an Extranet login page. Users not being able to contact you for an account, even if only targeted at a restricted group, is a serious usability issue which I think will certainly prevent your site from being accepted anywhere. Providing us with a login/password will not change this. Please understand that we review sites for end users, not for the sake of just reviewing them.

In addition to providing contact information it might be a good idea (and this is just a suggestion, you're the webmaster and the only one to decide) to make information on who you are, what to expect on your site, and privacy protection available to users before they sign up so they can make a qualified decision. An ODP description can't replace that.
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