How to submit site which is affiliate site?



If my website is affiliate site but I have unique content in each page, I use only when I send form or send value to parents sites. For example, hotel reservations website. I see many site which are high ranking in both Google & Yahoo is that affiliate hotels website. How can I do for listing in DMOZ for that kind of website. I think, the editor should review the site and see that site is useful for searcher or not, if it useful then should add it database. :ooo:


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
I think, the editor should review the site and see that site is useful for searcher or not, if it useful then should add it database.

That's what the editor is supposed to do, yes :) However, affiliate content is defined as NOT useful. This means that the editor should look at the NON-AFFILIATE content and see if it is useful. (Often, a site with a lot of affiliate links on it will have to have MORE useful content than a site without these links, because to the ODP's way of thinking, affiliate links remove from the usefulness of a site.)

Hotel reservations sites are very seldom useful, as we define usefulness. If they are high-ranking in other directories or in the search engines, good for them! We don't care what Google or Yahoo rank high, though. They do their thing, we do ours :)


Mar 25, 2002
I would like to add one thing to nea's excellent post.

Not only will the editor look at non-affiliate content to evaluate the site, but they will check to see if that content is UNIQUE. This means that it isn't available anywhere else on the internet.
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