How to submit to active categories


Sep 17, 2005
Have submitted for a quite a while, but still no luck there. My link is It goes to any web design or software category. Any idea which categoy is more active so won't take long time to wait?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
All categories are active. (whetever active might mean)
If you don't suggest a site to the ONE best category an editor will move the site closer to this besy category. Ir will be waiting there for further review. If you want to wait for several reviews, which each might take several years to happen, please suggest the site to just any category. If you suggest the site to a lot of categories it will probably marked as spam and banned for ever.

Also read the FAQ
I can find many categories my site would fit - should I submit to all? and the question just below named "There's no editor for my category - will my submission ever get reviewed?"


May 26, 2002
The ODP has no concept of "active categories". Every category is edited by someone at some time or other.

Submit once to the one best category, and at some future point when an editor decides to do some work in that category, maybe your site will be considered.


Oct 9, 2004
Ah ... if it were just that simple :)

I like the way you think, but I don't think you're going to find the answer you're seeking.

Identify the single best category for your site. The Open Directory has an enormous array of subjects to choose from. You should submit a site to the single most relevant category. Sites submitted to inappropriate or unrelated categories may be rejected or removed.

What is missing there is the implied YOU - you must identify the single best category ...


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
What you are thinking about doing won't work anyway. Submitting to the wrong category just means you don't have to wait as long ... to be moved to the RIGHT category to START waiting for the actual review (well, if all goes well, which when we catch someone doing this we don't worry as much about making sure happens.)

A lot of people think this way. The fact is, if it worked, we'd have to figure out some way to block it (to avoid the insidious effects of submitter-influenced bias). But the normal editing modes are quite resistant.

Think about it: Just for a moment, pretend the editor is a human being, doing this because he thinks it's a good thing to do. (It's always useful to think this way about people you see doing something good -- even in real life.) So I'm an editor reviewing sites about, say, Medieval Tocharian History because, duh, I think that would be an interesting way to enliven up a dull afternoon. What, do you think, am I going to do with a site on Lower Silurian Cryptozoid Coproliths? (whether or not it's submitted?)

(0) List the site immediately.
(1) Drop everything and go work on a Fossils category?
(2) Drop everything and go to a dictionary to look up four words that mean nothing to me as a cultural historian, to try to begin to guess where the site goes?
(3) Send that submittal somewhere random into the Science categories to be sorted out later by a Science editor, to a category to wait with various other submittals of the same site?
(4) check to see if the site has been submitted before; if it has, then whack it like a mole.
(5) drop that site into a 'grotequely mis-submitted' cesspool to be cleaned up later by some other editor.

In reality, those options are ordered by increasing probability, starting at ZERO, and ending not at all far from ONE. Because the last option is obviously the most efficient way to build up the MTH category, and ... that's what editors do, build up categories.


Sep 17, 2005

Thanks guys for your advice. a little update here: according to my log, an editor did visit my site some while ago. However, i guess i put one of my client's website which is not finsished in my link, that made the editor rejected my application. That sounds unfair, because its not my website, it part of portfolio, should it be considered one 'under construction'? :mad:


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
That "guess" does sound unfair. Therefore it's highly unlikely. Guess again.

My personal guess would be something like:
(1) the editor either passively checked the site just because it was mentioned in the forum, with no intent to list it: because it would REALLY be unfair, not to mention suicidally stupid, to review sites more quickly because they were mentioned in the forum!

(2-4) Or see the LIKELY possibilities mentioned above, #3-5. Any of them, unlike your guess, are VERY common. Any of them are more than fair, they are generous and helpful. Any of them readily accounts for all the circumstances you mention.

There's no rational reason to suppose anything inappropriate (or, for that matter, even anything appropriate) has happened yet. A referer log is about as close to meaninglessness as mere machinery can get.


Jun 30, 2005
Perhaps, before you allege unfair treatment, you might want to actually check and see whether or not your site is listed.

Just a suggestion.


Sep 17, 2005
Wow, it is listed there

Sorry, guys, really should have checked it before post. I tried later go throgh dmoz, it is there, the only problem i couldn't find it is because no website links there. so when i search based on my website address, it is not there.

what is strange though, even when i tried search based on my co. name, it doesn't show up. This time i guess it takes time for dmoz itself to update its indexes. however, i search the link on Google.

Anyway, feel relaxed now. my apologies to the my guess victim editor. thanks to u even though i don't know who u are. :)
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