

Jun 10, 2009
I have tried everything short of paying someone off to get on the DMOZ directory. We have more content, which is all relevant then most of the sites in our category. I know they are short on administrators and even offered to be an administrator to help out as I have built and optimized many sites over the years. I didn't care if I was the admin over the area I was interested in. Actually that wouldn't be very ethical. Just wanted to help out. How do I get my site on this directory. I have submitted it twice in six months which I did because we had a lot more content that was added and I thought maybe that was the reason but I can't figure out why we can't get on. Can someone please help me. I would be happy to assist in any area of the site, not just the one I want my site put on in return. I have managed a bank, collection agency, utility locating company and a Dairy so I think I am more then capable of being objective and fair. My site I am working on isn't great. I am not a web builder but it is better then a lot of them out there for our business type. We also had listed it under pheasant hunting for South Dakota which is our business type and where we are. Thank You Very Much


Jun 8, 2009
I won't lie, I've been using the web before it was the 'web'. I only came here to get my site listed and probably did some dumb things in the ODP's eyes in the process...well, I haven't had my site listed.

Then I started to look around, seeing all the hard work done by the volunteers and the mammoth task at hand and actually became a lot less self-interested, feeling a little guilty for the reason that brought me here in the first place.:eek:.

I decided to apply to become an editor and probably did some dumb things in the ODP's eyes there as well, as I've been declined and still waiting on my second application decision, but I'm not holding my breath...

I then asked myself "What could I do to help out?" I've decided to start in my area of interest and manually flag all the dead links/hijacks and innappropriate sites. I actually get a good feeling after flagging all the 'rubbish'. When I run through that lot I'll start somewhere else.

So, if you want to 'help out' as you say you do, (or anyone else reading this for that matter)... jump aboard.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Astro8 shows how everybody can help to build and maintain the directory.
And such help is much appreciated. It doesn't matter how much you help. One hour each month or 10 hours a day, it is all welcome.

And astro8 don't despair, we all do dumb things once in a while. :rolleyes:
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