I submitted my site to the category around a month ago (possibly a little more). I was hoping someone could tell me about the status of this submission.

The reason why I am enquiring is that I am unexpectedly running out of room on that domain so will be moving this site soon (hopefully less than a week) to a new url. I don't know how this will affect my submission but figure that finding out it's status would be a good start to sorting things out.

Note: another site on that domain which I have submitted to dmoz won't be moving.



Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
I really hate it to give that kind of answer, so I'll give a possible reason first :)

Maybe you can imagine, that there are lots of weblogs around, and since a lot of them are quite boring, not containing interesting content, editors may get bored while reviewing them.

So as a result, there are more than 170 entries waiting for review in that special category (yes, all with letter S, sorry to say but that letter has the biggest backlog of all).

So I recommend one of two things to do:

1) You can just sit tight and wait till the site is listed. Be sure to have a redirector set up that takes the reviewer to the new place, maybe stating that "URL has moved" or something. The editor will then change the URL when reviewing (I would recommend this if possible)

2) Of course you can resubmit with a changed URL. Since most editors process entries nearly in chronological order, this might put you back a lot...

Thank you, that's exactly what I needed to know. I'll set up a redirect as you suggest <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />

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