
Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Clickable link to the category?

Note that if you have a local area in which you meet clients face-to-face (or hire hackers for your sweatshop, um, office), then you can (and should) also submit to the Business category of your locality.


1) it does have unique content and unique features not found on TM or other template source sites; at very least we aggregate info from a number of TM sources which should count for something.

2) following your logic, most of online stores cannot be listed on ODP, because they are simply re-listing products available on manufacturer's web site

3) you do list several affiliate sites (which is how i triangulated this particular category, btw) in this category. smells like double standard to me

4) why dont you folks work out some kind of notification scheme to notify of (un)successful submissions? what for do you collect email address at submission?

5) your volunteer work is much appreciated, even if sometimes we seem overly critical. keep up the good work!

thanks in advance,


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
I'm not familiar with that area so I can't answer your first point, but:

3) you do list several affiliate sites (which is how i triangulated this particular category, btw) in this category. smells like double standard to me

If you think some sites are being listed unfairly, post in the Abuse Reporting forum with the title, URL and the reason why it should not be listed for each site. We'll look into them and take appropriate action if need be.

4) why dont you folks work out some kind of notification scheme to notify of (un)successful submissions? what for do you collect email address at submission?

See the current discussion in the General ODP Issues forum. Email addresses are kept with submitted sites in case we need to get in touch with you for whatever reason, although in 99.9% of cases this never happens. It's not put on to any mailing lists, or sold on, or whatever.


I'm not familiar with that area so I can't answer your first point, but:

3) you do list several affiliate sites (which is how i triangulated this particular category, btw) in this category. smells like double standard to me

If you think some sites are being listed unfairly, post in the Abuse Reporting forum with the title, URL and the reason why it should not be listed for each site. We'll look into them and take appropriate action if need be.

hehe, i aint snitching ;)

4) why dont you folks work out some kind of notification scheme to notify of (un)successful submissions? what for do you collect email address at submission?

See the current discussion in the General ODP Issues forum. Email addresses are kept with submitted sites in case we need to get in touch with you for whatever reason, although in 99.9% of cases this never happens. It's not put on to any mailing lists, or sold on, or whatever.

thats not what i was getting at. i know (or, rather, always assumed) that you dont sell/share emails.

what i'm getting at is a simple notification system, say

- upon submission kick back a receipt confirmation;

- weekly (or daily) while site is sitting in the queue send notification "your site is pending approval/review, ETA is not knowable, but there are N sites in the queue ahead of you.

- when rejected, quick note "your site is rejected because such and such." and then either "do not bother to resubmit" or "fix problems listed below and resubmit"

how tough can this be?! yet there is an army of good folks (perhaps you are one of them) who count on ODP for getting exposed to their audience, perpetually frustrated with ODP. and i know these guys do not deserve such frustration, because they volunteer their time daily to work for public good.

bottom line, these few changes could render ODP much user frendlier. good ROI, wouldnt you say?

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