About three weeks ago, I submitted my site

in the category:,_Mark/

I haven't heard anything - and neither have I on previous submissions of the same url, so I would like to know if it's in the queue or if it has been rejected.
If it has been rejected, I would love some hints of why as I have no clue what might be wrong.

There is no editor for the category - closest editor is for which I suppose is a very busy category.

I've considered trying to become an editor of my target category, but I guess that would be futile as my own submission is pending(?) in that category. Yes - I would like to be able to add my own site, but I would also like to add others and remove invalid links (of which there is one now)

Is the problem that I only want to register part of my domain?
The problem with that is that the areas of my domain are different, so my domain would need to be in several categories.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Your submission was the only one for that category, but seeing as the description was alright and I was slightly bored, I approved it.

You're free to become an editor - since you obviously know the scope of the category then you could make a good contribution. Have a read through and the 'Becoming an Editor' section of this forum and then apply. If you do apply, make sure you're honest with your affilliation, and good luck <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />.

This was a much better response than I had dared dream of - and so fast!

Thanks bunches!

Since I now have no reason to apply to become an editor as my site is already in dmoz, maybe I will apply - it definitely is not too big a category to start with ;-)

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