I submitted this site to ...
Business: Industries: Wholesale: Jewelry (314)
about two months ago but it has not been listed.

I am wondering if the fact that I offer an affiliate program has anything to do with it? The affiliate program is not the main theme of the site and is only mentioned briefly. This site is not an affiliate link... it is the head office of the program.

Your suggestions and comments would be appreciated.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Your site is still waiting for review together with more than 100 other sites. Even with the active editor in there it will take some time, till all unreviewed are processed.

Thank you... I feel much better now knowing that there is simply a delay in processing sites in that category.


Mar 26, 2002
Please continue all status request regarding this here.

I note you've created a second thread and third thread elsewhere. Please do not create more new threads regarding this site.

The public page of Business/Wholesale_Trade/Jewelry shows it was last updated on 12 Aug 2002. Your site is still patiently waiting in there with more than 200 others. That was after clearing quite a number of duplicate submissions.

Over the past few months I have enquired three times about the status of this submission and have been assured each time that my site is in the queue waiting to be reviewed by an editor.

It has now been nine months since I submitted the URL and I would like to know if my hopes of being listed are still realistic or if there is some reason it has not been reviewed after such a long period of time?

This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.