
Requesting a submission status on:

I believe the category is:

I have submitted 3 times I believe in the last 18 months. I did not know this board existed until recently, and was told if I had not heard anything, I should resubmit every 6 months. After reading this board, I see now that advice was incorrect, so I apologize.
Should I have received word if my site was rejected by one of the previous submissions?
Also, could I please get the status of my latest submission?

Thank you so much in advance for your assistance.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
Your submission from this time last month is waiting for a review in that category, so no, you don't need to resubmit.


Thank you so much.
Is this a really busy category? Should I wait 2 months to check back? Longer?
Also, if I am rejected will I be notified?
Thank you again for your assistance. That may be the quickest response to a post for help I have ever received. :)


Aug 2, 2002
I see a submission dated 24th June 2003 in the queue now.

I recall feeling bad about deleting one of your submissions in September last year. I liked the products, but at that time the site was just a mass of ASP errors which made navigating difficult, and purchasing impossible. I always feel bad when we get a submission that looks like it could be a good site, but we can't list it for some technical reason.

I just took another look and the site seems to be working correctly now, thanks for fixing it.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>Is this a really busy category?
Really really, yes.

>Should I wait 2 months to check back? Longer?
Probably yes.

>Also, if I am rejected will I be notified?

But ... Make sure your site works on either Mozilla or Opera, and try it on some version 4 browsers (to see how gracefully it degrades, even if it doesn't work.) Add some sort of notice for versions of browsers that you can't make it work for. sounds like you won't need to worry about this.

As some may have figured out from my past posts, I have a hobby about portability (it comes naturally: extensive professional experience on both the implementor and user sides of portability issues). And so my attitude is: if your page won't work on a REAL browser (i.e. Netscape, Opera, or the W3C browser) then it really isn't a web page, any more than a WordStar or M$-Wordpad format file. It's just a piece of undocumented proprietary junk stored on an internet-accessable box.

It's your choice: but at least warn your users what proprietary program they have to have to view your page (whether it's Flash, the Virus Vector AKA "Infernal Exploder", Adobe Acrobat Reader, or whatever.)


Thank you all so much for all of your help.

dfy: I am so glad you liked our products.

hutcheson: I could not agree with you more about portability. When we updated our site 6 months ago, we upgraded the servers and database, and back-tested everything on every version of IE and Netscape we could get our hands on (both Mac and PC versions). We also did compatibility testing on Opera. While our site is not quite as pretty on non-CSS capable browsers, it is at the very least 100% functional. We even went so far as to remove all but the smallest of JavaScript events, given that they occasionally behave differently on different platforms. We handle everything server-side, and try to make it all as backward compatible as possible. Most of the sites I see these days are going towards Flash, and other impressive looking technologies. While these do provide content that can be more visually compelling, what these companies don't realize is that they are immediately excluding 10%-15% of the potential Internet viewers. Furthermore, most people implement these flashy technologies in such obtrusive ways, that even those who have the capacity to view the content are annoyed by it. This is certainly not always the case, but sadly it is a case on the rise across the Internet community. That is why we have opted for clean, simple, and straight-forward.

I guess I will check back in a couple of months. Thanks again for taking the time to help me.


Jun 15, 2003
I know we're not meant to be doing site reviews of this type, but an editor started this....

I see a single javascript error on your home page under Opera 6.0 : Error: name: ReferenceError message: Reference to undefined variable: No such variable 'daURL'

The site appears to work fine after ignoring that error. That one error would not stop me reviewing the site for potential inclusion (but it's not my cat so this is purely an informational message).


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
sunanda, as long as you're breaking the rules, why don't you do it thoroughly: that is, what browser and what version were you using?

Also, you can use private sticky-mail for this kind of thing.

My rule of thumb about forum vs. private mail is: will other people better understand how we look at THEIR sites after reading our reasoning about THIS site? If the answer is "yes", it's a good candidate for forum post; if "no", then sticky-mail.

Also, we're walking a fine line here. As has been mentioned often, we tell editors to communicate carefully, if at all, with website submitters because of the potential for hurt feelings, and violent responses ("my website is perfect, your computer must be broken")

And we say, even if only 1% of webmasters are psychotic imbeciles, writing to 17 of them is like one round of Russian Roulette. (I've written to a few dozen submitters in four years, and I lost my first RoRR this week: a personal website in an altruistic-looking category -- "who would have thought that nice-looking young neighbor was keeping stray children in his freezer?") I don't think that will happen here -- Mrs. B. Kitty cares about portability, and my friend turned out to be a hashish-crazed orc from Redmond -- you know, the "there is no Gates but Bill, and FontPlague is His Profit" sort. But -- be careful out there.


OMG! That is terrible. Wouldn't you know it, the only instance of JavaScript on our entire site (other than standard rollovers) and it's causing trouble. :(
I can't seem to recreate it on Opera 7.11, but if you let me know what OS you are using, I will submit it to our webmaster and have him squish this bug.
Thank you so much for letting me know about this. I really really appreciate it.
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