I have been trying to get our website listed in the following category (this is where our competitors are listed): Shopping: Home and Garden: Furniture: Children - but have been unsuccesful. Since there is no editor for this category, I also applied to become the editor twice - but have heard nothing back. I have reviewed my site & app for any errors but can't find any - would you be kind enought to review my site/app and let me know if there are any mistakes so I can correct them? The URL is: http:/, The site name is: BASIXS, and the Description is: Preschool and early childcare furniture and supplies for daycare centers, classrooms, home schools, parents, and teachers. Thank you

Your site is begin listed in Shopping: Home and Garden: Furniture: Children ( as of 8th june 2002
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.