
Hi there,

I have tried (without any success) to list several of the web sites I am in charge of to the ODP.

I have now focussed my attention on just one of them: Once I get this right, I will retry all the others.

I posted to: However I see the site doesn't have an editor.

I have also tried submitting the site to other categories previously, but I assumed it failed becuase I tried to submit it to a South Africa/*** directory, and might be out of context (there is no category specific to South Africa for gambling or lotto).

My question is thus:
a) How do I find out if my site(s) is/are still on a waiting list for other categories, or if it has been chucked out for not being in the correct category?
b) Do you get a "sorry you're not accepted" email if you submission was not a success?
c) If a category has no editor, will the site get listed by other editors from other catgories?

I hope someone can shed some light on this.



Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
92 is a mirror for .

How do I find out if my site(s) is/are still on a waiting list for other categories, or if it has been chucked out for not being in the correct category?
The site is pending right now in the unreviewed of so it's not required to submit it again.

b) Do you get a "sorry you're not accepted" email if you submission was not a success?
Unless the editor that declines your submission chooses to contact you personally, no.

If a category has no editor, will the site get listed by other editors from other catgories?
If a category has no editor, eventually the site will be reviewed by editors from parent categories.

Hope this helps,


Aug 14, 2002
Hi, your site has been deleted for inappropriate content. Not being a gambling editor I can't say exactly what is wrong with the site; another more experienced editor will probably be able to explain.

In answer to your other questions:

If you get a rejection notice, call CNN. It will probably become a breaking news story. The likelihood of this happening is 0.01% or less.

All categories have editors; any editor in a category above the one you submitted to is also an editor for your category. In this case there are editors in Games/Gambling; they will handle all categories below them.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.