Checking on the status of

I began posting this site towards the end of last year with no luck. I can't remember the exact date or category for the post of last year so I am just giving the history for this year.

Submitted once to back in April.

Submitted twice to
after the above submission with about 6 weeks apart between the two submissions.

Submitted once to
about a week ago just b/c it is a major service the site offers. I know it has not been long enough for it to be posted, but I wanted to give a full history.



May 26, 2002

Your clickable link, above, didn't work due to the added full stop. Don't forget to put a space either side of URLs (easy mistake to make).

By the way, your site returns a Title of " Convversion Link< ".

The guidelines do say to find the ONE best category that your site fits into, Please do not re-submit your site again. This number of submissions stands on the edge of being labelled a spammer. Multiple submissions slow things down, and lead to delays in your listing. Resubmitting takes you to the back end of the queue. Most editors, when faced with multiple sumbissions from one site will delete all of the oldest copies, and keep only the newest one, and will then work through the backlog starting at the oldest one first. Submitting to the wrong category, just means the editor passes the submission to the correct category, where it will reside with your other submissions. After a while, the duplicates will be cleaned, oldest first, and you are back at the end of the queue again, as stated earlier.

However, on further investigation, the site looks like an affiliate farm, so it has actually been rejected (quite recently) by the various editors in several of the categories that it was submitted to. There may yet still be other copies in unreviewed somewhere else in the directory. I cannot see that information from here (If there had been only one submission I could have told you the exact status: Rejected, Still Waiting, or Approved. I can tell you that _some_ submissions have been rejected, but I don't know if that was all of them, or whether there are others still waiting to be looked at). Your site puts people in touch with other companies:

>> Conversion Link puts you in touch with companies that offer a wide array of data services that includes data conversion, Network Attached Storage, data recovery and others. << .

Any of those other companies that appear to be useful would be listed directly, not the tagged link farm site pointing to them.

I don't edit anywhere near the cats you submitted to, so I may not be seeing the full picture.

Yes I am well aware of the submission guidelines, and I followed them to the letter. Paraphrased from the DMOZ How to add a site to the Open Directory page, "If a site you submitted has not been listed after three weeks, you may submit it again or you may send an e-mail to an editor of the category for which the site was submitted."

All submissions except for the last one came within a minimum of at least 6 weeks apart. I did not submit again until I emailed the editor of the category above (only one of these categories has an editor) twice, and I received no response.

The only reason I submitted this many times is b/c I assumed something was wrong with the site (although I can't imagine what). So I made slight changes that I thought might help like removing the word directory, and then I submitted again.

I have never had to wait this long to submit a site (the longest was six weeks), and I have been working on submitting this site for almost a year so naturally I assumed something might be wrong.

I am not sure what you are referring to by "affiliate farm" or "tagged link farm."

This is a legitimate service that points the user to a particular service that each of the companies offers. The user then fills out the form that resides on the Conversion Link site to get a quote on the service. There is a direct link to each company site through the company logo on the companies individual service page as well as the address and contact information.

Basically companies use this service, b/c it is dificult in many cases for them to add it to their site.

Thanks for the heads up on the error in the title.


I am not sure what you are referring to by "affiliate farm" or "tagged link farm."
If for example, you had a site that was listed twice in ODP. like :-

MediaMerge for PC - Can restore backup tapes from almost any source, and in addition MM/PC can, provide data conversion and data interchange services. Standard 32-bit Windows interface.
-- Computers: Software: Backup: Tape Backup (1)

eMag Solutions - Provide data, media and format conversion services and software.
-- Computers: Data Formats: Conversion: Companies (1)

And for the sake of arguement, that site used "resellers" to sell its product, then an editor might think, on the face of it, that you were running an "affiliate farm" if was just dealing in its own re-sellers from <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />


Jul 19, 2002

This site isn't what I would call a "link farm" even though it does have links to the companies it works with. It is actually offering a service that is not offered on the linked sites, or not easy to find, with some exceptions (from what I can tell from the half dozen I looked at). I think it could be a valuable/worthy site to many users if it offered more info on the service they provide and why the user should use their services.

Just my two cents <img src="/images/icons/smirk.gif" alt="" />

Edited to say; Ignor the above comment, I lost my mind for a few moments. <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Jul 19, 2002
Well, gee ... just browsing, you got me on this one! <img src="/images/icons/tongue.gif" alt="" />
I should have looked at the whois before posting.

Guess this one won't sneak in and the listing will most likely be removed.


Well I must apologize, but I am still going to have to plead ignorance on the "link farm" subject.

If a company has resellers and provides them with services to offer to their clients that they are unable to offer on their on either b/c of costs or b/c of knowledge, then that is just good business. It is basically the same way business is conducted in the offline world. There is absolutely no difference. Companies like Sun or IBM have resellers, and they provide services through those resellers. As a matter of fact, we are an IBM reseller.

Now if I were a company just trying to put a bunch of crosslinking sites together to gain link popularity, then I see that as a "link farm" or "affiliate farm". We are, however, an international company that has been around for over 20 years. And just like many other sites within the Open Directory we have more than one link to our site.

In the case of Conversion Link, it just so happens to be a site that offers services to our resellers that they could not otherwise offer. It is a way to extend their service offerings.

Now I am glad I started this thread b/c it made me aware that I need to change the content on the site to make it more clear, and hopefully this will allow me to add my site. Now if I am still not doing something right, would someone please describe this to me in way that hopefully I will understand. And if someone from Open Directory needs to contact me directly to verify this information, then I will be happy to provide you with my contact information.


I was just reading a little more, and I think I am beginning to understand. If you have a company that offers services and you also do business through resellers then listing another site geared towards resellers might be considered redundant.

In answer to your question "Old Crone," CL does not differ from what is offered on emaglink, but it does differ from what is offered on the reseller sites. It does give an added benefit to their site with additional services b/c they can point their sites to CL, and they can also attract customers in their area that find CL on the web.

Also why did you say the the second emag link should be removed?


Jul 19, 2002

Also why did you say the the second emag link should be removed?

It's not the second link, it's the third listing, a sub-page and the ODP guidelines say only two listings per site/company. There may be exceptions to this rule, I'm not sure.


There are only 2 listings in DMOZ for eMag, the home page and one sub-page. I am not sure what you mean by the third listing.

Now in regards to conversion link which is a different site, if it offers the same services as the emag site but different services than what the resellers have on their sites, then can it not be added? You asked if CL offered the same services as emag so I am assuming that is why.


Jul 19, 2002
Re: is a mirror of

Now in regards to conversion link which is a different site, if it offers the same services as the emag site but different services than what the resellers have on their sites, then can it not be added?

I would think not since the parent site is already listed but an ODP editor will have to make that determination based on the current guidelines.

Re: IS NOT a mirror of

Take a look at the two sites. The design is the same, but the content is 50% different. The US targets a certain market, and the UK site targets a somewhat different market. Both sites are hosted on separate servers in each country. Once again I will use IBM as an example as they have many sites that target other countries.

As a matter of fact if you view the robots.txt of the UK site, you will see that I have the duplicate content pages blocked from all SE robots. I am able to do online advertising, but nothing beats search engine referrals so believe me I will do nothing to bite the hand that feeds me. I make sure that I do not do anything that might be considered as sneaky.

That is why I am now worried about CL. I do not want it effecting emag.

Now in regards to the editors letting me know, will they do that on this forum? I intend to change the content on the site next week to make it more clear. Should I wait and do that, and then submit again in a few weeks or just wait from some response on these forums.


Jul 19, 2002

Don't worry, I doubt the UK site is going to be removed.

As far as an ODP editor letting you know if the site is acceptable prior to reviewing it, your guess is as good as mine. I know that can be frustrating but it just depends on the individual editor.

I can only say that if I were editing/reviewing the CL site I would deny its inclusion because it's redundant.

An ODP editor in the know may come along and give you more info. I would not resubmit. Wait and ask again if you don't get a firm response now.


Thanks for the help.

I guess CL can be considered redundant of the eMag site, but as I mentioned it is not redundant of the resellers' sites. As a matter of fact, I used to have CL pointed to eMag and posted on the CL site that it was brought to you by eMag. I in no way tried to hide the relationship b/t the 2 sites. People in our business are aware of resellers and the role they play, and as a matter of fact they oftentimes prefer resellers just b/c of the relationships. However, I removed all the references and links to emag from CL b/c I read that you did not want to have sites linked together that occupy the same IP, and I did not want to mess up the eMag site in google. That is what I thought you were referring to as a link farm.

I guess I will just wait to get some more input from the editors on this forum. If nothing else I am definitely going to make the content of the CL site more clear, and if I do not hear from the editors on this one I will post again on these forums next week.
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