- Status



I have been attempting for the past two months to get submitted, and I dont' seem to have much luck. I'm wondering if anyone can assist with at least giving me an idea if it just got lost in shuffle, or if there was problems with content, etc as the reason for not being able to be submitted.

Thanks for your time, and I appreciate the attention to this matter in advance.

Submission Directory: Society/Relationships/Dating/Personals/International/D/


>Check out our "bugs and features" forum.

hutcheson, I appreciate your feedback. But cannot really figure out what you want me to look into "bugs and features" forum. I would be really glad if you guide me in the right direction, right now I am totally confused –

What would you like me to do:-
1)Read any specific thread in "bugs and features” forum.
2)Read all recent threads in "bugs and features” forum.
3)Submit my query of submission status in "bugs and features” forum.

Please direct and thanks for your time.



Nov 6, 2002
Hmmm. Weren't you complaining recently in our abuse reporting forum with a thread titled Same Company, Same Business -Two different website? And didn't I agree with you and remove one of the listings you were so offended by, and one more besides that you hadn't even noticed? And what, exactly, are you asking in this thread?

If you're asking about technical problems with the submission process, please follow hutcheson's advice, surf the various threads in the forum he suggests.

If you're asking about the status of a site suggestion, please format your request as we ask in the READ BEFORE POSTING thread at the top of this forum.

If you're asking to have a dating site listed in addition to your matrimonial site, please reread your own post and my reply in the abuse forum.


I tried submitting again after reading a couple of threads in "bugs and features" forum.

And got this message:
While trying to retrieve the URL:

The following error was encountered:

Access Denied.
Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.

Your cache administrator is

After a couple of attempts I was able to successfully submit in the following categories -

According to me I feel that all the four categories are relevant to the website, but I will likely to end-up not more than two listing :)

Thanks in advance.



Firstly this not related to ODP submission, secondly I am crossing the limits of my employee non-disclosure agreement here but is that what it takes to list a web site in ODP?

I am an employee of, work here full time and is the only source of my survival. By no means I can say that its my website. is a dating website not a matrimonial website, its been developed and maintain by the same team who works for but as a company DONOT own – it’s a altogether different entity.

In similar terms like –
1) and have two different listing in OPD tho both are same company
2) Ebay and Paypay have two different listing in OPD tho both are same company
3) Yahoo now has acquire Inktomi and Overture who owns Alltheweb and Altavista but all of them have different listing in OPD tho now are same company

Brmehlman, everyone uses different tactics to abuse the ODP by submitting mirror websites and multiple domains and successfully achieve multiple listing. I am not so blatant that I report abuse in one forum and write a thread in another forum, which clearly states that I am abusing. In my threads I have clearly mention that “same company – same website (service), same product”

We have different ads running on Google/Overture for and We do online advertising on various portals for both the website but we are billed differently.

Again According to me I feel that all the four categories are relevant to the website, but I will likely to end-up not more than two listing :)

Also, I would like to mention that many Indian dating websites are listed in Matrimonials category coz the market itself is so similar…there is nothing such as “dating” in Indian culture – it’s more marriage oriented.



Listed in -

Listed in -

Its just another mirror website, and still has two listing in ODP :( and are not in any term similar -
1) Design
2) Database
3) Content
4) Offered Service
5) Prices of services
6) Target audience and age group
7) Target market etc.

I really don't want to argue here but I don’t really see why can’t we have two different listings in different categories relevant to the two totally different (but yes developed and maintained by same team) websites.

I started this thread to ask the status of my submission for the website, I been submitting the site since last four months I had several problems in submission but I use to successful submit in one or two categories in couple of attempts. I use to submit the website on weekly basis. But still has not been listed in any of the category of the directory.

I have submitted the website once or more than once in last four months in the following categories:

Thank you for your time.



Please help, I will be glad if someone let me know the status of this submission.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
I can not look at the categoires you have submitted to as I'n not an editor of these categories.
I only can see if other editors have handled your submission.
A lot of duplicate submissions in several categories have been removed (we don't accept multiple submissions).
In the end has been rejected.


>In the end has been rejected.

But why? Any reason, why do you reject quality website, with original content?

>A lot of duplicate submissions in several categories have been removed (we don't accept multiple submissions).

I know ODP don't handle multiple submissions, but after 10-15 attempts, I use to get one successful submission, it was not my fault if your ODP system is not working properly, how is one suppose to know? I don't have spare time in life to waste around one submission form - submitting it in several categories, but how is one suppose to know? There is no email confirmation of a submission; all you get is an error page.

And I was regularly following up since last five months over one submission, in bug and features forum and with various editors, and the end result I get is this – “you site had been rejected” - yes? on what basis? why don't you guys have some respect for people's time and efforts? Or is ODP is just over with volunteers with no real dedication or motivation to improve the already broken ODP.


Aug 22, 2003
This has nothing to do with how the submission page works. Our server problems did not cause you to submit a subsite of an already listed site to four different ODP categories. That would be quite a bug. :-D

It was already explained to you earlier in this thread that your site is a duplicate, and though you have complained about our criteria ("I don’t really see why can’t we have two different listings in different categories") they have still not changed. Sorry the news couldn't be better for you; but as you are so enthusiastic about rooting out the multiple listings of your competitors, surely you'll understand that the same rules must apply to you.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
13,294 is a dating website not a matrimonial website
Yet you think it should be listed under Indian Matimonials. Why?

And in one of your abuse reporting threads, you make the point that another service is listed in both Ethnic Personals and Asia Personals and yet you want the same thing for Why?

You're being inconsistent here. You are happy to point out instances where your competitors have inappropriate multiple listings but then you think your site should be the exception to that (and I'm not even talking about here; I'm just talking about the 4 listings you think should have).


I'm just talking about the 4 listings you think should have
As I have mention in the previous post: I did submitted the website in four different categories but I know that I will end up have not more than one listing. The reason I submitted the website in different categories because the submission system of ODP was/is not function – ODP does not accept submission via. Email, or forum and there was no means of submitting the website. I submitted in different yet close by categories just to ensure that even if the site is not relevant to that category, the editor MIGHT move it to the correct one and this way – I will get the site listed in an appropriate category.

Now according to the Guidelines:
Sites Generally Not to Include in ODP are -
1) Affiliate Marketing Schemes
2) Identical Mirrors
3) Redirects and "Cloaked" URLs
4) Illegal Sites
5) Site Listings Including Search Results
6) Product Listings
7) Internal Notices as Site Listings

According to which I don't think does fall under any of these and for the same reason I did submitted the website to ODP.

One trick sites will use to try to get multiple listings in the directory is to submit their site (or similar versions of their site or sub-sections of their site (Deep-Linking) under different registered domains. For example, Wonder Steak Company might submit both and a different URL, that leads to the same page. Our goal is keep the Open Directory as Spam-free as possible, and editors’ alertness to Spam is crucial to achieving that goal. is owned by SatyaNet Sol. Pvt. Ltd. ( Mumbai / SatyaNet, Inc. USA - which is a web design and development company. Now, is developed and designed by us but that does not make it our sub-site or product. has over one million users, its a matrimonial website which boast 20,000+ success stories i.e. marriages which happened through the website. On the other hand is for finding new friends, dates and activity partners - Nowhere the website say find your soul-mate/partners. Its a truly dating website to have fun :p there is no astro, bio data, family background here like

In most cases a site need only be listed in one Open Directory category. However, there are occasions on which a site could be listed in more than one category. These sites should be limited to those that have true research value and/or cover a number of different subjects to such a degree that one category isn't sufficient in describing the site's contents. There are also some instances in which an URL might be listed in both a subject category and a regional category, such as a site about a professional sports team. Please make multiple listings the exception though - not the rule.

I tried my level best to list two different website under two different categories of ODP I accept that I did multiple submissions as there was no means of submitting the website, ODP was giving error in submission, therefore I submitted the website in four different BUT close categories various time in five months period. As there is NEVER a listing guaranteed in ODP for any website I would not argue further. Thanks for all your help and consideration.


flicker, buddy - I am waiting for your reply, you have replied to me elsewhere...


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
We have already discussed this internally and I am sorry to say that noone was arguing for a listing.

Please note our forum guidelines which say:

If your site has been rejected, please keep in mind that arguing about the editorial decision will not be tolerated. Please note that at the bottom of the "add URL" screen it says "Netscape and the ODP have unfettered editorial discretion to determine the structure and content of the directory" and "a site's placement in the directory is subject to change or deletion at any time"
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.