Is your URL actually ? That one is in unreviewed in that category, along with about 40 others. That isn't a large backlog, but there's only one editor the next level up, covering a lot of subcategories.

What you can do - well, if you're interested in collecting music sites, the music categories could use editors. Becoming an editor won't get your site any preference, of course, but you can do your bit towards speeding up things for everybody.

Can I actually apply to be an editor for the category I want to be listed in?? Would this considered be a conflict of interest? If not I would love to do so.

Thanks Malcolm


Apr 1, 2002
As long as you state your affiliation honestly on your application, and edit fairly and objectively, without giving your own site any special treatment, there's no problem. /images/icons/smile.gif More info at .

Regards, Hilde

One other thing is that new editors are usually only approved for small cats. If you apply for the cat and are rejected this may be a reason. If so reapply for a sub cat such as 'vinyl', prove your editing skills there, and then apply to move up to the full cat.

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