In the past and today I added this site without fully reviewing guides-and should have used different terms-sorry-
I think I have corrected and resubmitted today- and added to various Furniture categories relating to my site-
Is it OK and what would is the status? How can I confirm its approval, and if not approved- when can I resubmit- Thanks for all the great work this org does.


Aug 2, 2002
You'll need to tell us exactly where you submitted your site before we can help. Clickable links will be extremely useful.

shopping-furniture-bedroom-specialty beds

should I post in:
shopping-home&garden-furntiure- ect... too?

please let me know- thank you very much- michael <img src="/images/icons/confused.gif" alt="" />


Jul 7, 2002
You asked: "I have [...] resubmitted today - and added to various Furniture categories relating to my site - Is it OK [...]?"

No, it is not okay. When you click on "add URL" in a category, you come to a form that you have to fill in. Why don't you read it?

A - Paragraph no. 1 in this form reads: "Please take a moment to review some of our submission policies and instructions." If you had done so, you would have read: "Step Three: Identify the single best category for your site." It says "single best", not "various categories related".

B - If you refuse to read the instructions, why don't you read the form itself, for example paragraph No. 2? "Please check to be sure that this is the single category you think your site should be listed in." It says "the single category", not "various categories related".

C - Okay, you've read neither paragraph no. 1 nor paragraph no. 2. Last chance: Read the two lines beneath the category line: "Are you sure this is the most descriptive category for your site? If you are unsure, please take a little extra time in searching the directory and find the most appropriate category." It says "the most descriptive, most appropiate category". Not "various categories related".

Sorry for being a bit unfriendly, but why can't people just read?


Aug 2, 2002
In all, you managed to submit to

I've been through the categories and deleted *all* of your submissions. Please go back and choose the *one* best category for your site, and re-submit it. To track your submission status, you should come back to this thread no earlier than 4 weeks after submitting.


Mar 25, 2002
Hmm, "shopping-furniture" as you put it doesn't even exist. However, Shopping/Home_and_Garden/Furniture does. Is that one of the many places you spammed with your URL? (if you had read dfy's post in full, you'll noticed he asked for ' exactly where you submitted... Clickable links will be extremely useful'.)

Looking at the long list of reject notes already attached to your site (every time we have to make a delete it is logged, and a long list of notes does start raising questions), you did submit there. How come you didn't see the category submission notice which read:
Submission guidelines include that the web site itself actually be a means of selling the Furniture products. Thus, approperiate product images and descriptions, specific product pricing and a means of ordering from the web site itself are required to qualify as a "Shopping" site.

Sites advertising a local store without online shopping should be submitted to the appropriate Regional category. Non-English sites should be submitted to the appropriate World category. Wholesale or Business should be submitted to the appropriate Business category. With few exceptions, sites are listed in the directory in one category only.

(my emphasis).

Your site will NOT be listed under ANY category in Shopping/ as it DOES NOT provide online ordering facilties NOR does it provide specific prices. Plus if you continue to mass-submit all over the directory, we may have to take action to stop you wasting editing time.

I'm going to echo uzs980 here with the following:
&gt;&gt; Sorry for being a bit unfriendly, but why can't people just read? &lt;&lt;

(edit: dfy got to the 'Post' button before I did. Oh well, I'll go eat some popcorn now. *munch munch* <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> )


Jul 7, 2002
I can hardly believe it. Can you read or can't you?

D - Okay, you said you first submitted to Shopping/Furniture. This category is actually called Shopping/Home and Garden/Furniture, because the link "Furniture" in Shopping leads directly there, skipping the Shopping/Home and Garden step.

So you clicked on "Add URL" in that category and you got to this form. What could you have read there under the Category line? "Submission guidelines include that the web site itself actually be a means of selling the Furniture products. Thus, appropriate product images and descriptions, specific product pricing and a means of ordering from the web site itself are required to qualify as a 'Shopping' site."

Okay, I went to your site, looking for a new bed, and I found this page: Where are the product descriptions, where are the specific product pricings and so on?

So you should have known this is not the right category.

And one of the next sentence is, once again: "With few exceptions, sites are listed in the directory in one category only." Have you ever read anything like this?

I am sorry for taking your time due to my stupidity, and I do appreciated your feed back and assistance.

I have resubmitted under one heading:
Regional: North America: United States: Business and Economy: Shopping: Furniture-
From what I read on this area of dmoz- you do not have to allow online purchasing- Am I OK now in my submission, and will I be penalized for my stupid previous attempts?
Thanks Again For Your Help <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />

I am sorry for taking your time due to my stupidity, and I do appreciated your feed back and assistance. You are right RTFM

I have resubmitted under one heading:
Regional: North America: United States: Business and Economy: Shopping: Furniture-
From what I read on this area of dmoz- you do not have to allow online purchasing- Am I OK now in my submission, and will I be penalized for my stupid previous attempts?
Thanks Again For Your Help

I am sorry for taking your time due to my stupidity, and I do appreciated your feed back and assistance.

I have resubmitted under one heading:
Regional: North America: United States: Business and Economy: Shopping: Furniture-
From what I read on this area of dmoz- you do not have to allow online purchasing- Am I OK now in my submission, and will I be penalized for my stupid previous attempts?
Thanks Again For Your Help


Aug 2, 2002
Thank you for taking the time to find a category that you feel is appropriate for your site. You are correct in thinking that you do not need to offer online sales to be listed in a sub-category of the Regional branch. Don't worry, your site will be reviewed on its own merits, and editors will not hold your previous record against you. Eight submissions is not enough to be considered a spammer in most editor's eyes. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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