
Mar 14, 2005
Status of

I started working at firstier 5 months ago.I have spoken to the previous developer and he said he has submitted to dmoz about a year ago into:
All the companies in this category are our direct competition.Also how does some of them get to be in so many categories?
1) - 5 Categories with 5 Listings
2) - 5 Categories with 74 Listings

We are in the internet category which is part of our business.
We do hardware support and sales.
But our new core business is our Business Directory which we can't get listed could you please let me know what I should do?


Jan 23, 2003
I haven't looked at your site, but, I have edited one or two submissions......

On that basis I would make the following suppositions:

Dual listings are not going to happen.

If your website does not clearly reflect what you call your "core business" then the site reviewer is going to independently determine the core business and place the site accordingly. We list sites based on the actual content of the website -- not where marketing thinks the company should be positioned, not where the CEO is trying to steer the company, but based on the content of the website at the instant it is reviewed.

Personally, if I had five cents for every internet access provider that also runs a directory, I'd be rich.

OK, I lied, I did just take a peek at the first page of your website, and my original supposition has just gained weight. Look at the title of your website -- Firstier Intenet Services (Interesting that you choose to run a banner ad that is bigger than your site name!). an impartial look at your front page does not clearly tell a visitory that you are a directory that, oh-by-the-way, happens to offer internet services. It told me that you are an internet services company that has an advertising directory. If I were editing in that Continent, I proably would have made the exact same placement, and would decline an update request because the content of the website does not reflect your positioning desire.

But all of this is somewhat moot because I don't edit there.


Feb 4, 2005

I have had a look at ,Ialso know of them and I didn't even know that they offer other services besides their business directory.So basially Dmoz is saying that you can only get listed in one category?
Also then I would like to know how those other directories got listed in all those categories?
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