I'd be grateful to know the status of this submission to the Top: Arts: Music: Resources: Downloadable Music Sheets: Links category.

Many thanks!


Jul 19, 2002
Dang! How many windows have to open before you actually get to the sheet music? Sheesh! Most editors will give up after two or three, good luck.


May 26, 2002
Site has same content as multiple other sites with similar domain names, and all have been multi-submitted to multiple categories for many months in a row. I don't think there's much chance of any additional listings. Human error notwithstanding, you get 1 (ONE) listing in Topical, and 1 (ONE) listing in Regional (as long as the web site actually says where your physical store front is located). Hey I'm only a newbie. I'm sure a bigger editor will be along shortly to add some meat to what I have already said.

Many thanks for the information! I wasn't aware (prior to finding this forum) how to check status of submission -- I'd wait a few weeks, assume I was rejected, then would resubmit. Being able to check status works much better -- thanks again.

I've been adding more content (in the downloads.html) page in order to differentiate from other similar types of sites. Hope this will help make a difference.

Ha! Good point! Best case, two -- worse case, maybe four or five. Depends on how specific (String Quartet, Canon, Second Violin Part, page 1 through 5) you want to get. I see what you're saying, though. Other folks tend to just zip up the associated files to make them available from one link; I thought I'd try to display the images (which suggests drilling to the appropriate part and page -- I tried conductor copies with all parts, but they were pretty messy). Perhaps I should do both?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
For organizational layout ideas, might I suggest looking at the Christian Classics Ethereal Hymnary ( , which contains 1000+ pages of sheet music: but the navigation is designed so that there are 4 obvious ways to get from any page to any other page -- in 4 clicks or less.

[Caveat: This is not altogether a blatant attempt to add link pop to my own site. Site review is _much_ more pleasant when sites have transparent, efficient navigation.]
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