and index wait time

I submitted my website -
to the main search engines. I was wondering if I could get someone's estimate on how long it takes for google, yahoo and others to add you.

I am curious if anyone out there can check the status, and if they can, that would be great.

And finally, is that 299.00 that you pay yahoo to look at your site in 7 days worth it? I would be afraid that I would pay the money and they would reject me for some random reason that I didn't think of and they keep my money anyway.



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We can't speak for Yahoo, of course: you pays your money (to them) and you get reviewed (by them) ... for a year, and then you pays again. What does a phone book Yellow Pages ad cost? How much is it worth to YOU?

Google is even more tenuous. You can submit to them, but if there are no other links to it, it may end up as page number 3.999 billion out of 4 billion. They take 5-9 weeks, but it may be much longer than that before it moves up to a visible spot in any real search.

You don't mention whether you even submitted to US, and if so, to what category...which makes it kind of difficult to guess how long it might be. Of course, even looking at the category, there are only about three useful answers we can give:

1) There wasn't much there, so I did them all. The site is now listed.
2) There are LOTS of sites waiting there. Expect a LONG wait.
3) There are only a few sites waiting there, but still, don't be surprised by a LONG wait.

Yahoo has a guaranteed review in X days. The ODP doesn't ever. We have a "guaranteed review someday", and we can say that the "average delay" is about 3 months (simple arithmetic -- we review about 6-7000 sites a day, and there are approximately 100 times that total in unreviewed--a number that has been fairly stable lately.)

Some submittals are rejected within minutes; a few are accepted within minutes. But some have been waiting for years. It depends on what folk volunteer to do.


Mar 1, 2002
To begin with you are an online casino - you have no physical location so why would you submit to a category that only lists "physical" casinos (i.e. the kind Donald Trump builds?). Secondly, since you are an affiliate of , you wouldn't be eligible for a listing anyway.

Ok, I understand the location problem. I just figured since I was based out of Chicago, that's where I would go. I didn't know it was for "land" casinos only.

And I understand the problem with affiliates not being listed. But in this case, windowscasino helped me and other affiliates develope "unique" formats and programs for their website. I worked with art designers and web developers to build the content I wanted. So that being, the case, I would say that gives me unique content. What is your response?

Ok, I understand the location problem. I just figured since I was based out of Chicago, that's where I would go. I didn't know it was for "land" casinos only.

Fair enough, the particular cat you submitted to didn't spell it out.

I worked with art designers and web developers to build the content I wanted. So that being, the case, I would say that gives me unique content.

Well can you tell us what content is on your site that is not available from any other windowscasino site. (other than cosmetics or links). All the games seem to be played on windowscasino.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: and index wait

>>I worked with art designers and web developers to build the content I wanted. So that being, the case, I would say that gives me unique content.

I'm sorry, but I can't imagine any logical way that that follows.

Here's how an editor would look at a site there: the "on-topic" content for that category is "ability to gamble online." The "unique" part of it is "you can't gamble like this anywhere else online."

Now, I understand that all such sites provide only a few games, and therefore the difference between listed sites and unlisted sites is between "a miniscule smidgen of unique content" and "not an iota of unique content", which is a hard distinction to make. But a site that merely provides access to gambling services at another site is an easy no-brainer, no-lister.

Re: and index wait

Well I can see that I can't win here, but here it goes.

The website itself has a design that is different from my other affiliate counterparts. I am working with local Midwest based casinos (that's why I put Chicago, IL as the category) to get a cooperative agreement between them and my online casino so that their customers can use their 'casino credit cards' for deposits in their online account and vice versa. In effect they can have one account number for both land casino and online. Also the comp system provided by windowscasino is fairly generic and I am working with local Chicago businesses to join my comp system since most of my customers are midwestern. This is all because I am based out of Chicago and marketing in the midwest primarily. Windows casino will not make software changes for their affiliates. If we want to change something in the software we have to change it ourselves. That is what I am doing.

If this still does not make me unique, that's fine. I just wanted to make sure I knew what the rules were and which ones were important.


Mar 1, 2002
Re: and index wait

It might make your content unique (can't evaluate it before I see it), but your site will have to be evaluated after you implement these changes, not before.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.