
I submitted my site to the following category about a year ago (summer 2001):

This category hasn't had an editor since I submitted nor have any new sites been added that I have noticed during the last year.

I have nicely emailed 3 editors over the last 2 1/2 months requesting assistance. I imagine that there is quite a backlog of site submissions in this and related categories by now.

Just in the last week or so, 13 sites were removed from the above category. So I am wondering if someone is starting to work on this category now or if the deletions were done by an automated process.

If an editor could update me about the site of my submission and any relevant information about editor activity in this category, I would appreciate it.


>>>I imagine that there is quite a backlog of site submissions in this and related categories by now.

This is correct. Your site, however, is not in the Salesmanship/ unreviewed queue. It is in the Salesmanship/Training subcategory unreviewed queue with a number of others. It is impossible to tell at this point when it will be reviewed. Thanks for submitting a description that conforms to the editing guidelines, by the way - if every submitter described their site in accordance with the guidelines, these backlogs would be a lot less of an issue. <img src="/images/icons/grin.gif" alt="" />

The sites removed from the category do not necessarily mean that someone has begun exclusive work on it - it may mean that editors have removed sites that are against guidelines or unreviewed sites no longer accessible to investigate what has happened to these sites.

Thanks for looking into this and responding Furiosity.

Any advice on how long to be patient (i.e. its already been a year, could this go on for years?)?



It could be a long time... I am currently working in a category that has site submissions from early 2001......

Be patient. Someone will come by it eventually. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.