
Mar 26, 2002
That category has a backlog of over 1000 sites. Are you sure you cannot find a more specific category for your site in the directory?

If you had an address on your site you would qualify for a Regional listing.

My suggestion would be to add an address to the site and submit to Regional and/or find a more specific category for your site in the Business category. You can have both a listing in Business and Regional - that type of double listing is encouraged.

Thank you very much for the advice! I updated our Contact Us page to include the address and re-submitted on Thursday to the Regional category. By Saturday it was accepted. I wonder if this is a record. However, I wrote the description based on the style in the Marketing Services category. It began with "Marketing consulting services include..." It now begins with: Web design, ... We do web design, but we are marketing consultants first and foremost. Good thing the name of our company and URL includes Internet Marketing. No one will ever change your company name, so I would advise anyone to include important keywords in the company and domain name. I guess I should be happy to be accepted and so quickly.


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
>> I wonder if this is a record. <<

Probably not - I've added a couple of sites within 5 minutes of submission. But it doesn't happen often.

And by the way, we don't do keywords. The fact that Internet Marketing was in your title and URL means that it is less likely to be put into the description.
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