It is waiting review in Shopping/Antiques_and_Collectibles/Militaria/World_War_II .
You'll always get a quicker review by picking the right category the first time around. We know this is hard sometimes, so (unlike Yahoo) we don't delete your submittal out of hand just because you submitted to the wrong place. But many editors (including me) do not actually list sites in a category unless they are editing in that category. If a site goes somewhere else, they move it there to be reviewed in the context of that category. This may seem like more work for us and more delay for you (and it is both), but it allows us to make the necessary checks for duplication of content and consistency of listing styles (which we cannot make from a distance except in categories we know very well.)
You will, not always but frequently, get a SLOWER review by submitting the site again. Why? Well, if we delete the older of duplicate submissions (which some editors do manually, and the software does automatically) AND if editors review the sites in chronological order (which many do) ... then your new submittal just sent you to the back of the line.
As for requesting a site review, there is not really any way of doing that except "Add URL" in the appropriate category. Sometimes as a byproduct of a "status request" in the forums, an editor will in fact review and possibly even list the site, but there's never a guarantee.