
Mar 26, 2002
It has been deleted from the stated category on the 10th, because there was no contact information other than email. According to the category submission notice:
All submitted websites will be reviewed by an ODP editor. Each site should clearly indicate its range of services, the country in which the business is located if outside the USA, and contact information including mailing or street address and/or telephone number. [Emphaisis added]

Thanks for your help.
I don't think I ever got in the directory. I kept checking. Can I resubmit, once I have the contact info up? Sorry about that, it was one small detail that I missed. And should have taken care of.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Yes, you can re-submit.

I'd recommend including a referenced to this thread (in brackets at the end of the suggested description) to alert the editor to the fact that changes may have been made since the last rejection.

I'm ambivalent on this issue: I see enough duplicate submissions of worthless sites to emphasize the "Social Contract" -- each website has a right to ONE review, and anything beyond that is strictly the editor's discretion and generosity. If there is a real reason to review the site again (such as added information), then arguably it has a right to another review. So, make sure we know why!


Mar 25, 2002
Ah - I see the contact information half-way down the page (I was expecting to find it under the 'Contact' button strangly enough...)

Unfortently when an editor tried to review your site, it was unavailable. I've re-added it to the queue (where you are now the only site awaiting review under K/ , and there is just one other site awaiting review under the SEOF category: therefore it shouldn't be too long before your site is reviewed again)

Richard and Mike,

Thank you so much for your help. I will remember your advice and sorry for starting a new post. Didn't know. I am thrilled I got listed, its taken awhile, I guess I can call my efforts a success.
Thanks again,
Ben <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />
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