
I submitted to Regional/Europe/United_Kingdom/.../Ring_Tones,_Graphics_and_Logos/ and as far as I can tell it was accepted. I then did some searching and it appeared in the google directory, until googles recent crawl ousted it.

I have a feeling I may have submitted it twice (accidently not checking for a listing forst).

Can anyone clarify for me?

[Edited to prevent thread stretching: apeuro]


Mar 25, 2002
Yorkshire, UK
It has been removed from the directory since it is a mirror of (or uses the same system as) . Both sites have very similar ordering phone numbers (only the last digit is different, which to me indicates a bulk purchase) and the order codes seem to be the same (compare the codes for the American National Anthem).


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>>It has been removed from the directory since it is a mirror of (or uses the same system as)

>Would there be any room for it in another category ...

There is NO room for mirror sites anywhere in the directory. If you ever see one that slipped in, please report it, and we will both remove it and ensure that it does not return.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
There seems to be a typo there, but ... are you saying that there are two mirror sites? What are the URLs?

(Send the information to any meta or editall that visits here regularly. Send to a moderator here if it's not fixed within a week.)

You guys need to sort out your standards for these categories I've just had a quick scan through and these sites are all mirrors or affilates or nothing to do with the category. Try going past the doorway pages on some of them for gods sake; and yet they still end up in your directory.

Top: Business: Industries: Telecommunications: Wireless: Equipment: Phones: Ringtones (88) Editor Hongtat

Illegal Sites (According to your double standards)

Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Industries: Telecommunications: Mobile: Services: Ring Tones, Graphics and Logos (78) No Editor

I'm sure there's more but this only took me 20 minutes to go need to change your editors !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Complaining about the next guy won't get your site in, but it might get them removed. Thanks for the list, we'll definitely look it over.

Is your word your bond dear editors !!!!!!!

All sites are still languishing happily in the same categories.

Shame on you ..........

Maybe another month and someone wil get round to it.


Jul 17, 2002
Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Industries: Telecommunications: Mobile: Services: Ring Tones, Graphics and Logos (78)

I notice that phone-a-tone and tones4phones have both been removed, but I personally cannot see any reason why the others in your list don't deserve to be there? Could you elaborate?

Christ you guys need to do your own work....

OK here's some tips for you............ (Stealthnet Intractive Affiliate) (Stealthnet Interactive Affiliate) (Affiliate same as the next site) (Affiliate same as site above) (This isn't even a ringtone site just a search engine type directory) (Affiliate of lots of others identical sites, of ( Affiliate all same number etc. for ordering) (Affiliate definitly however can't remember the affiliate seller, so this could get away with it)

So there ya go not too hard to figure out was it....

"Christ you guys need to do your own work...." - please note that it is volunteer work, not a job, and a lot (probably most) of the editors either have their hands full due to the number of sites they have to review or due to the little time they have available for editing in ODP (or both). So any extra help you give (like your last post) is both appreciated and probably necessary in order for things to move forward.


Jul 17, 2002
Thanks for your positive comments mr reaper.

OK, considering only the category:

Top: Regional: Europe: United Kingdom: Business and Economy: Industries: Telecommunications: Mobile: Services: Ring Tones, Graphics and Logos

Having looked, I believe each site within this cat to have only unique entries.

1) indeed has about 5 mirrors, but only one is listed in this category. Just because a site has mirrors, does not mean it should be entirely excluded, IMHO. It also doesn't matter if one of the other mirrors shows up somewhere else in the directory, as the site is entitled to multiple listings in its own right anyway.

2) also has some mirrors and near mirrors. However, again, I cannot see any of the mirrors listed in this category.

3) vs I agree with you here, but it is easy to see how this could slip through the net. I am sure the editors will remove this in due course.

4) appears to have some mirrors too, none of which appear to be listed.

The other ringtone cat I cannot comment on as I have looked at this one only.

I am sure you will appreciate how difficult it is for volunteer editors who may have 1000+ sites to look after, to constantly cross reference 80+ sites per category. Let us also not forget the tricks that the spammers use in order to get in, including constructing an entire site solely for the purpose of getting a listing based on something unique, then changing it later for their affiliate site. I believe this was the case for a couple of the sites you mentioned earlier.

Enough of this public flogging of sites that thereaper thinks don't belong (though he may be right). Send details to a meta editor (like myself with the M by my nickname) and emails can be exchanged. This thread was supposed to be only about and its submission status, and now it's about every other listing in the categoroy.

kctipton, I agree. Nevertheless, if I may, I would like to address a general remark made by chillysnow.

Chillysnow, you said "Just because a site has mirrors, does not mean it should be entirely excluded." - with that I completely agree. But then you said "It also doesn't matter if one of the other mirrors shows up somewhere else in the directory, as the site is entitled to multiple listings in its own right anyway." - my answer to that is yes and no (and I am not talking about a specific site, but generally). Some sites may be entitled to one or more multiple listings (as long as they're not in the same category), but to the best of my knowledge should always appear under the same domain. If you see a mirror in a category yet you believe the site is rightfully in that category, leave the site there but change the mirror URL into the "real" URL found elsewhere in ODP. Again, I'm not talking specifically about any of the sites in question here (which I haven't examined) but in general terms.

I'm the editor of Top: Business: Industries: Telecommunications: Wireless: Equipment: Phones: Ringtones

I will take a look regarding mirrors and affilates in this category soon. Thanks.

Hello editors and fellow members,

I must say, I'm impressed by the dirty work of some members (thereaper) down grading my ringtones web site and others amongst. I was in the dmoz Ringtones Cat edited by Hongtat, until around the date after the post was put up.

I understand the guidelines, respect the guidelines and I know that no affiliate sites are accepted. is not an affiliate of Stealthnet, which is why it was chucked out of the directory according to what I have just read. is a strategic partner of stealthnet, with customised content. Stealthnet is a supplier of the ringtones(accepted), but what web site or company selling goods does not have a supplier?

This is unfair practice, and I repeat again, the content on RingtoneSearch is customised, I have stripped off all the adult content too, so I could reach certain other directories policies and guidelines making it family orientated.

I can't stress enough how unique this site is and I would greatly appreciate some feedback on such a matter.

Thank you

Gareth Copnall


Mar 25, 2002

Ok, try and imagine it this way:

Company X supplies content to Site A and Site B. Site A + Site B offer nothing else but the content supplied by Company X (admiteddly 'repackaged') - there is no other 'unique content' on their sites.

What benefit is there for _the end user_ to be presented with a list of search results that include Site A, Site B when they don't offer anything different from each other. The ODP ideal is for the directory to be designed and maintained for the _end user_ (i.e. 'Joe Public') and NOT for either our 'data partners' (such as Google - we don't particular 'care' if Google et al actually use the data or not) NOR for the webmasters in question.

I haven't looked into the site in question in detail, but basically just 'summarising' what has previously been said. Does RingtoneSearch offer anything else but Stealthnet rebranded content?
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