Re: submission not going through
If a URL is submitted and it is already in the unreviewed queue of a category, it overwrites the previous submission. For example, if was submitted 10 times to any category (even if it is or isn't "intercepted"), then only one copy will stay in the unreviewed queue. This is why we recommend only submitting once to a category - as further submissions will just replace your old one and, if the editor is processing the queue in "oldest submission first" order, it will push your site to 'the back of the queue'.
The 'interception/security/anti-spam' system is a bit sensitive, but as time progresses editors are refinining it, but it is just knowing what details to add. Some people seem to experience the problem more when submitting with Internet Explorer than with Netscape, Mozilla or Opera... I believe most of the problem is orientated around ISP cache servers (especially when the cache server is not 'seemless' and presents more than 1 IP address to the "general internet" - a relatively easy problem to fix for any knowledgable ISP).
I'm, in fact, in the UK myself - but when I've tried to replicate this problem - I have failed to do so. I've tried different browsers, turning my cache on and off, but I've yet to make it fail to me (and that's "acting" like the general public - not "editor" side).
As regarding "open sourcing" the ODP source code, many editors would like this (and an ODP staff member has expressed the same) but the approval for the source code to be "open sourced" is out of the our hands (I know it'll probably have to be 'authorised' by higher-level employees within Netscape and then Netscape Legal, and then appropriate disclaimers etc will have to be drawn up, download area set up etc etc - quite a lot of 'red tape' and stuff).