
Mar 26, 2002
I don't know about that - I looked at your store and I think you might qualify for listing in Shopping Sports. The main category has over a thousand unreviewed though so unless you can find a specialized category for it might take a while.

I noticed that you developed some playbookmanager software and have a nice little section of information on it. Lots of content - neat site. If you cannot get your main store in you might consider submitting that site somewhere in shopping.


Mar 26, 2002
Ack - I did not notice that the main site was in Shopping, I thought it was in Sports. It can only have one listing in Shopping. Disregard my above advice. Sorry.

Thanks, anyway. I've already submitted a post to the Site Sumbission forum to get information about how to request the move.

Sorry apeuro /images/icons/blush.gif. thought I was doing the right thing by asking the question in the Submission forum. So, I'll ask it here:

I didn't want to move the main URL, but I learned from the earlier replies that the Shopping category doesn't allow two listings per site. So, it seems that the best thing to do, now that the site also contains a sports equipment store, is to request that it be moved to, because that is where all the competitors for the store are. Also, is used by far more directory services than the category that we are currently in. I know that I can request a change in the description with Update URL. How do I request the move? Thanks.

Well, I've watched the forum and seen other posts answered - so I suppose this is a dead thread. Anyway, I submitted an Update URL form, and hope that it will eventually be taken care of. At least, thanks for not deleting my site because I may have been a pest.


Mar 26, 2002
We do not delete quality sites from the directory. You did the right thing by submitting an update request - it is the proper procedure. I would not worry too much about where you are listed in the ODP as very few people use it to search. The important thing is that you are listed - imho.
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