I submitted my site to about 5 weeks ago, and just wanted to check to see if it's still in the queue or should I resubmit.

Also, I'm interested in editing (let me know if I should post this part elsewhere). The subject I know best is the alternative health -'bodywork' field, and in particular, Rolfing, which is my category submission. The editor of my category also has many other categories to edit as well...would it be worth my time to request to edit the Rolfing category even though it already has an editor? I can request other categories, but I know this one backwards and forwards, so it is my preference to start with.



Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
To your site: There is only a small batch of unreviewed entries waiting for review, and as you stated the category has a listed editor. If he/she should find the time to work through the listings, I'm sure your's will be processed too. At the moment it is still waiting, not been touched by an editor yet.

>would it be worth my time to request to edit the Rolfing category even though it already has an editor

Of course it would. There is no "my category" in the ODP, if new editors apply for a category already having an editor, the category fits the usual "new editor requirements" (not to large, not to much spam, ... --> not too difficult to handle) and your request is acceotble (quality of supplied sites and desriptions, no lies, ...) it will be accepted.

Thanks, windharp. I'll just wait patiently. And I'll get started on the process to apply to become an editor.
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