- guidance needed


Hi editors,

I submitted my site to a week ago - dont worry I'm not expecting it listed yet (if at all), but I have a few questions.

Firstly we are the only company in the world to offer remote unlocking of Blackberry and Tungsten W, so I feel its of value to consumers for us to be listed - we have a unique product.

Having said that I'm aware there must be some guidelines and condition of being listed that I am not aware of - I've seen sites I think look ok be rejected in the past.

So can an editor perhaps visit the site in question and give me some pointers. We are in the process of having the site redesigned professionally and if there are any technical aspects or visual isssues etc of the site that need to be addressed I would be glad to know these things rather than be rejected, or at the very least stand a better chance of being listed if you know what I mean.

Can someone please advise, any help would be much appreciated, I know how busy you guys are - keep up the good work :) .

Best Regards


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Sorry, but this is not a service we provide.
There are a lot of forums availbale where this kind of request will be answered.
For us (ODP) the only important aspect of a site is "enough unique content".
Oh, and one more aspect. We only list real websites. We do not list redirecting services like you are using. My tip: If you are a serious company pay for some serious webhositing - your own domain and a real server.

pvgool said:
Sorry, but this is not a service we provide.
There are a lot of forums availbale where this kind of request will be answered.
For us (ODP) the only important aspect of a site is "enough unique content".
Oh, and one more aspect. We only list real websites. We do not list redirecting services like you are using. My tip: If you are a serious company pay for some serious webhositing - your own domain and a real server.

Following my post I find your response slightly cold. You state you dont offer the service of guidance, yet manage to throw doubt on my company because of the type of hosting we use - thanks.

We are a real website and serious company as you put it and we chose .tk to support something that was not entirely commercial. The site redirects to our business webspace and totally meets our needs at this time.

I dont know any company our size that would require or want to lease an entire server to run 1 website!
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