
Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Afraid to say but that category is very crowded with submissions. Dont expect a listing to happen soon.


Aug 2, 2002
Do not submit to any other categories. It seems to me that your site belongs in the 'full service' category that you submitted to. Any other submissions would just annoy the editor that found them and had to move them over to the 'full service' category.

I am of course guessing that that's where you fit. After having looked through your site I am unable to determine what you actually do. There's a lot about who you are, where you've come from, and how you work, but nothing about what you actually do.

The only solid evidence is on the front page where you say "We are a team of young designers creating highly professional websites". There's a bit in the FAQ which gives prices for hosting and domain name registration, but there's no clue as to whether you provide those services, or whether your customers have to sort that out for themselves. There's no clue as to whether you just produce simple websites, or are geared up to produce full 'e-commerce' sites.

It's very hard for us to decide which category you belong in if we can't work out what it is that you actually do.
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