
Mar 26, 2002

Your submission in is waiting patiently in the small unreviewed queue there since 15 May 2002. There are unlisted editors who edits there.

I've deleted the duplicate submission in the large (more than 200) unreviewed queue in , that you submitted on 28 Jul 02 . Please submit only once, and into the category best matching your site (and/or once more in Regional/ category where your business is located).

I don't usually edit there, so leaving it for a local editor. You may want to submit to an appropriate locality cat in , if your site list its actual physical address.

BTW, you should include the name of the site in your subject header.

Re: Info on site submission

Thanks so much for checking on that for me. I really appreciate it. I wasn't sure if it had been rejected or just not looked at yet. I was afraid nobody was editing there at all.

Thanks again.

Re: Info on site submission

OK. It has been my experience that time moves boards similar to these
and have not had any luck with people going back a number of pages
and seeing a new question added to thread that is long dead. This may be
the exception.

I posted the second thread because todays earlier post was locked.

Is there is any chance of anybody actually answering the question
of how much a "Small" back log is?


Mar 1, 2002
Re: Info on site submission

Is there is any chance of anybody actually answering the question of how much a "Small" back log is?

No. As a matter of practice, we don't give out unreviewed figures to non-editors. The queue is rather small and the category is edited on a fairly regular basis, so there's cause for hope.


Curlie Meta
Apr 30, 2002
Re: Info on site submission

I did not look at the category and so I don't know how many unreviewed you can expect there. So this figures may be very unprecise (In fact that is the reasoin why I post them ;-) )

For small categories, I would consider less than 10 unreviewed few, for large categories, about 10% of the amount of listed sites seems OK to me. Torepeat: I have not checked on the stats of single cats, maybe I'm wrong this time :)

(Hey, it's easy to guess why. Like prices in supermarket. I try to avoid, but naturally I consider eveything that's above 9.99 Euro to be expensive <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" /> )
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