
Please advise of status:

I submitted a listing to DMOZ way back in November 2002. I had heard through a webmaster forum that there was some glitch with DMOZ that lost some submission requests - so I submitted again 2/14/03. Still no listing. A friend of mine got listed in DMOZ through a different but similar category in 2 weeks! We both provide the same services - either category would work for me. I don't want to get penalized for multiple submissions. What do you recommend?

I submitted to:

My friend submitted to:


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
either category would work for me

Actually, they wouldn't. Since you offer web design services plus SEO services, you belong only under the Designers category. If your friend offer web design as well as SEO, they belong under Designers as well.

You're currently waiting with over 400 other sites in that category -- it's likely going to be a long wait. Don't resubmit. You might want to submit to Albuquerque as well since that's where you're located -- you'll likely have a shorter wait there.


Jul 19, 2002
Actually, they wouldn't. Since you offer web design services plus SEO services, you belong only under the Designers category. If your friend offer web design as well as SEO, they belong under Designers as well.
If that's true then someone has a lot of moving to do. <img src="/images/icons/cool.gif" alt="" />


Thank you for your response. I appreciate being updated on the status of my listing no matter how discouraging.

However, I'm a little confused...I just counted 105 listings (from the above category link) that have the word "design" in their description - "design" as in offering web design services as well. My company is a Web Marketing Design Company. Web Marketing is my specialty - I design to optimize for that purpose and offer submission services, pay per click services and backward link building. Of course, this becomes a little embarassing, when I can't even get my own site listed in DMOZ after 5 months. I apologize if I'm being obnoxious...but can I request to be moved to the above category?


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
The description for the Promotion category clearly states "Web site Design firms DO NOT belong in this category. If your site offers Design, Hosting and Promotion, please submit to the appropriate letter in the Designers section." Looking at your site, I see that you offer design, hosting, and marketing services among other things. That makes your site appropriate for the category it is currently waiting in, not the SEO Firms one. Sorry.

The fact that some sites are currently dual listed mistakenly doesn't mean yours should also be dual listed. As you can appreciate, that whole area (WD&amp;D) is very backlogged but I'm sure inappropriately dual listed and/or misplaced sites will get corrected as they are discovered.


Of course, this becomes a little embarassing, when I can't even get my own site listed in DMOZ after 5 months.

Working in Internet marketing and search engine promotion, ya learn pretty quickly not to promise ODP listings to clients. If ya do and they get their expecations up, they don't hesitate to hand your head back to ya on a platter <img src="/images/icons/shocked.gif" alt="" /> and give ya all kinds of grief. It only takes once and ya never do it again..


I thought I'd check in to find out the status of my listing requests.
I submitted in November 2002 to:
(* note: I resubmitted to this cateogory on February 14, 2003 after reading a thread in a forum that submission requests were lost)

As per recommendation, on March 23,2003 I submitted to:


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Looks like an elf just listed you in Albuquerque. You're still waiting in the much more substantial queue in the Designers category.
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