- Status



Dear Editors,

I submitted our Site to the open directory project quite a while ago. I am not a "Pro" in SEO, so my question is if it is only a matter of time to get listed in your directory or if the Site for whatever reason does not meet your criteria. You probably hear these questions every day, however I would appreciate if an experienced editor could have a look at the Site, not "to get it in quicker" but to let me know if the Site would be accepted and meets the standards. Every input is highly appreciated.

Again the Site is

Thanks Tim


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
We're doing status checks now.

We can't tell you when a site may be reviewed, and if it hasn't been reviewed yet, we can't tell you what the results of the review might be.

But...we still need you to tell where you submitted it.


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
It is waiting with a submission date of yesterday, within a category that is somewhat backlogged. It was denied in May because the database was found to be empty. I just tried to view listings in several areas and found this each time:
Sorry, no listings found

My guess is it will be denied again for not having content.


Your site is sort of "slow". I was testing it on a local high speed connection (Fiber Optic OC3) and it took 39 seconds to pull up one page (excluding the index) whenever I had clicked a link. Could that be why it was denied?


Curlie Meta
Jul 28, 2002
Your site is sort of "slow". I was testing it on a local high speed connection (Fiber Optic OC3) and it took 39 seconds to pull up one page (excluding the index) whenever I had clicked a link. Could that be why it was denied?
The denial reason is stated above, slowness isn't a likely reason for denial (although it annoys us just like it does others who view a site) unless the site never loads and we are never able to review it, or it is absolutely extreme.

I did notice a pause when loading (I have a cable connection) but nothing I would personally find unreasonable. :arrow_right: This is just my opinion.


Hi kokopeli,

thanks for updating me here. Yes, I can agree with you that we had only a few listings in May, however that changed until now. We have so far over 1000. Obviously we are just starting it up and as everything that is of quality takes time. If you like you may look into tyoical holiday destinations such as Florida.

Where are you from?

My opinion is that we have something to offer to two different types of individuals: Holiday makers and vacation rental owners.

If there is still not a listing in a particular region which hopefully will change, we still have something to offer to property owners.

The idea that our server is slow is actually pretty disturbing. We are in Europe, however our server is in Atlanta, in the US. It takes about 2 secs here in Europe on an ADSL (cable modem). Can anybody else confirm that our Site is slow?

kokopeli, do you think it does make sense to resubmit the site or "was that it"?



Curlie Admin
Aug 2, 2002
The site loaded quickly for me (US, east coast, DSL).

When the problem is insufficient content, as in this case, you are welcome to reapply if you add more content. Try looking at the other sites in the category to which you are applying -- if you don't have as much content as at least the top half of them, your is fairly likely to be declined (it would be better to have as much content as the best of them, of course...).

As a random spot check, I noticed that you have listings only in two Canadian provinces (BC and Ontario), with lots of empty categories (by the way, it's "Newfoundland", not "Newfounland"). In the US, there were many empty states, although a few of the biggest tourist destinations had some listings (e.g. FL 53, CA 18). That's not really a lot of content at the moment. Once you get more listings, your site may be accepted.

Finally, speaking as a surfer, and not an editor, the many empty categories are frustrating -- it would be better, for example, to have a number of listings written next to the category name, so that people wouldn't have to click into an empty one. I'm personally much more likely to use a site that I don't find frustrating.

Speaking as an editor, it can also be detrimental to your site's chances -- editors won't click into every single geographic area on your site, particularly if the first few they check are empty; they'll just assume that you don't have much content. Make it easy for editors to spot your content, and you'll increase your chances of being listed.


Dear Lachenm,

thanks for your input and you professional point of view.
I will make the changes and then we will see what happens.
In your professional opinion, does it make sense to submit to regional catergories where we have already a few listings or are the numbers not sufficient?



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
>In your professional opinion, does it make sense to submit to regional catergories where we have already a few listings ....

Doing this would be HIGHLY counterproductive. Following the submittal guidelines (submit a site ONCE at the single most appropriate category) is better for all of us.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.