Huge site... How to get it listed....


Dec 24, 2008
I have a huge site that has about 10 mini sites within it. If I wanted to get those 10 mini sites listed under their correct category could I just submit them all on one day or would the editors dismiss this as spam.

The site is a very quality site, so it doesn't contain any affiliate ads or even adsense. Just quality, unique content.



Apr 5, 2004
Perhaps you didn't see this part of the suggestion instructions?
Please only submit a URL to the Open Directory once. Again, multiple submissions of the same or related sites may result in the exclusion and/or deletion of those and all affiliated sites.
In other words, you are welcome to suggest your site, once. Just the main site, not all the "mini-sites", which presumably can be found by anyone visiting the main site.
Once you have made your suggestion, there is nothing more you need to do.
A volunteer will very likely see your suggestion at some stage, and decide whether or not to list it, but please remember that reviewing suggestions is not a priority for editors, who have many other ways of building the directory. :)


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Just suggest the root URL to the one category which best fits it please. Anything more than that is forbidden by our suggestion guidelines which I encourage you to read. Any further listings are at our editors' discretion.

<still breaking in my new keyboard>


Dec 24, 2008
If that is the case why do sites like consumersearch(dot)com have many multiple listing.

I have 3 sites that have over 6 listing. But with those sites I have waited until each category has been accepted before trying to add another one. This process can take a while hence the reason of me asking if I could submit different parts of the site to different categories at the same time.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If that is the case why do sites like consumersearch(dot)com have many multiple listing.

Editors search for material on topics, and sometimes the best material is found on a larger site. Also, there are certain large aggregate sites with tens of thousands of contributors, that editors know to look to, for information on esotoric topics. Website owners suggesting their own sites is ... counterproductive. I spent some time today tracking down multiple sites from the same entity, specifically because they had suggested another site (and it smelled fishy.)

I have 3 sites that have over 6 listing. But with those sites I have waited until each category has been accepted before trying to add another one.

What you describe is specifically against the submittal policy.

I'll say, very carefully here, that the following is my personal opinion. And it may not be shared by any other editor on earth. In my opinion, what you are doing is helping the editors some (because the sites are listed several times, so the editors are agreeing that the material is unique and significant). And what you are doing is NOT harming the editors much at all (because you are being limited by waiting until each suggestion is ACCEPTED--that algorithm will stop you immediately if a suggestion is rejected.)

So, again in my opinion, that's all right. Others may differ--some, probably vehemently. But the reason I think it's OK is, using that rule you can't commit spam more than once. (And, frankly, in today's world, a single spammy suggestion of marginally-listable material is hardly worth notice--if every stock scammer sent out only one e-mail, e-mail spam wouldn't be a problem!)


But trying to push BEYOND that -- taking of the self-imposed limit of waiting for each suggestion to be confirmed -- would destroy the protection you're giving the editors against overenthusiasm, and take you into obvious, blatant, malicious, spam territory. And in THIS part of the opinion I think I can safely assume I'm speaking for the community!
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