I am confused!


Nov 11, 2004
arial black7black

:( Help please. I have submitted my site: www.sonningcruises.co.uk a few times over the last few months, but nothing has happened. I dont think that I am contravening any of your regulations, but if I have, they are unintentional. please help me get my site registered.


Curlie Meta
Jul 26, 2004
Alvera said:
:( Help please. I have submitted my site: www.sonningcruises.co.uk a few times over the last few months, but nothing has happened. I dont think that I am contravening any of your regulations, but if I have, they are unintentional. please help me get my site registered.

Actually by multiple resubmission you are are. Please read the following

Sugest URL Instructions : The first page you see when you try to suggest a URL. Pay special attention to the "Procedure After Your Site is Submitted" under Step 4.

DMOZ Help Central DMOZ Help Central and select the "Submitting Your Site" option.

Once you have read and understand these documents go to the "Site Submission Status" thread of this forum, Read the Posting Guidelines and submit a properly formatted status update request.

Please keep in mind, that sites suggested (submitted) are reviewed by editors who will determine if the site is listable or not. Not all sites suggested are listable. This is just a general note about submissions. I have not reviewed, visited or looked at your site.
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