I am patient...


Sep 7, 2006
I submitted my site to our regional category on January 3rd in 2005, but I am not listed yet. We have a small graphic design studio and there are graphic design studios in that category. There is no other, or rather no other proper category in our language for graphic design studios. Lots of studios has been listed since I submitted our studio.

I am an editor of a category in another directory, similar to dmoz (of course you cannot compare it to dmoz, it is in our language). I receive sumbissions every day and I feel shame if I could not review them within a week or two.

I know you will say: be patient and submit your site to other places. I am patient (for almost two years) and I do submit our site to other places, too. But I think it is just not fair, and I am afraid that there may be other considerations beyond the pure professional evaluation...

Best Regards


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
ODP is a volunteer organisation and editors work where and when they wish within the bounds of their permissions. There are no schedules and nobody is told what to do. We are just a loose swarm of hobbyists building and maintaining a directory for the pleasure of it.

A consequence of this is that the elapsed time to process a listing suggestion is both uncontrolled and unpredictable. It can range from a few hours to a few years, depending solely upon the interests of our editors.

Please be patient. Around 250 editors can work in whatever category you suggested your website and we'll get to it in time.


Sep 7, 2006
Hi, Jim, thank you for your quick reply.

I understand your point.
On the other hand, in the Hungarian section (World/Magyar) there are only a few editors. I tried to apply becoming an editor. I work as a graphic designer. I have more than 20 years of practice in Corporate Identity design, I am a publisher and managing editor of a manual for professionals in the corporate identity design, I am the editor of the category of the corporate identity in a Hungarian directory (so I help more than 500 of my competitors :)). But my application was denied. Hungarian dmoz editors said, my application was reviewed by not Hungarian, but English editors, they reviewed the Hungarian web sites :))

Submissions are sleeping for years, mainly because there are too few editors, but when I try to help, incompetent (I mean in Hungarian language) staff denies my helping hand.

Anyway, I am patient :)
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