I am trying to submit my site from last 2 years


Jul 16, 2008
Dear Master Users,

I am trying to submit my site <url removed> from last 2 years in directory http://www.dmoz.org/Regional/Asia/India/Society_and_Culture/Matrimonials/

My site is already at page rank 2, It is linked from many pages. Have excellent reputation and users also. Even then my site is not listed from last 2 years.

I tried to resubmited it 2 times in this duration but no output. I am surprised many low grade sites are listed but do not understand what is problem with mine.

Please reply and Help me out.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
Two years is not an unusually long wait in a category like that, which really doesn't attract much attention from editors but *does* attract a lot of spam. I'm afraid you just need to continue to be patient.


Jul 16, 2008
Any way to speedup my request

then any ways to speedup my posting ?
my site is not a spam at all, its a real website with real users from last more then 2 years and have thousands of users right now.

It has been accepted by yahoo in just few weeks only.

Can you suggest me any problem found with my site after visiting it, what may be stopping me to get listed earlier ?



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
No, there is no way to "speed up" your site's review.
Can you suggest me any problem found with my site after visiting it
I haven't visited your site nor do I intend to. That's why your URL was removed from your original post.


Jan 23, 2003
then any ways to speedup my posting

Heck no! Why should you be given special treatment? How would you feel if the editors simply decided that the million plus sites awaiting review would all be looked at before they looked at your site?


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
If there were ways to speed up a listing, who do you imagine would use them? The honest businessmen, or the professional internet spammers?

So if you find any ways to speed up a listing, please let us know, so we can block them. It's really really really important.


Jul 16, 2008
I do respect for dmoz and have trust in same. My intentions to ask for speeding up was simple and to improve quality of contents to get right approvals quickly.

As I know and Mosta said that my category is not interesting for editors. As one of my friend registered his finance (stocks tips) website and it got listed in less then 2 months. Shall I give you its name ?

He suggested me that this forum is right place where some one can listen you and help out if you are doing some silly mistakes .. thats why I posted my grivances.

Even then if you all suggest to wait only then oks, I am already doing same.



Jan 23, 2003
it got listed in less then 2 months. Shall I give you its name

No, active editors could easily provide you with a list of at least a million sites that were added without ever being suggested.

The age of a suggestion is not a factor in determining the listability of a site.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
amitkk99 said:
help out if you are doing some silly mistakes ..

There are only a few silly mistakes you could have made. I'll list them for you and anybody else wanting to make quality suggestions that will be noticed by editors.

How to get your site reviewed faster (that is faster than average for all suggested sites, which could still be months or even years in some categories)

1) Suggest a site to the right category.
If suggested to the wrong category the site will be moved by an editor to the right category or atleast into the direction of the right category. As a result the site will have to wait twice (or more) in the pool of unreviewed sites.​
2) Suggest a site to one category
If a site is suggested to several categories you will create more work for the editors. And if the site is suggested to many categories you might be marked as a spammer. And we don't like spammers.​
3) Suggest a site only once
No need to suggest a site over and over again to the same category. Once a suggestion is made it will never disappear until it is reviewed by an editor. By suggesting a site over and over again you will overwrite previous suggestions. This could make the time between your first suggestion and the review longer.​
4) Write a good title and description
If you want your suggestion to stand out amongst all others you will have to write a title and description that are compliant to our guidelines, or at least show a good understanding of these guidelines.​


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
I'd suggest that the most important way to get a site listed more quickly is for it to contain information that is (1) on some subject under-represented online, and (2) contains content that is not available elsewhere, (3) make its uniqueness very obvious.

Any kind of classified-ads site is going to fail criterion #1 blatantly, can pass criterion #2 only in the most nebulous sense, and inherently, absolutely, fails criterion #3.

In such cases, the best hope of reasonable review times would be the proprietor's real-world reputation: for instance (in another industry) travel sites are a black hole in information space, but Fodor's or National Geographic material would still be well worth reviewing, where Pseudo Nym's Ultimate! Global! Travel! Site! should be prepared to blush unseen for a long time -- perhaps until Mr. Nym acquires a real name and a real-world reputation. (And this is as it should be. To expect a better online reputation than one's real-world reputation is, simply put, attempted fraud.)
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