3 or 4 suggestions will not result in exclusion or deletion.
But chances are high that time between first suggestion and review have increased as a result of your own actions.
No, we don't.
DMOZ is not a listing service. We only use the pool of suggested websites as one of many sources to find websites to inlcude in the directory. People who have never suggested their website and maybe do not even know of the existence of DMOZ will also have their websites included. Why is time between suggestion and inclusion important when most sites we include are never suggested. So for us the idea of "wait time" has no meaning.
Well I guess that is good news that my site might not be on the chopping block for deletion...But what you said in the last comment "
People who have never suggested their website and maybe do not even know of the existence of DMOZ will also have their websites included" That means some people that dont even suggest a/their site, none the less might find themselves listed.. And I kinda understand what you mean about wait time...A suggested web site is only one part of the resources that take a site to be included (there are other factors that an editor would look for). So "WAIT TIME" which has no meaning, For someone working behind the scenes for DMOZ.. And "WAIT TIME" for a site owner to get listed means, I guess waiting for an editor, to Edit the part of DMOZ where he/she wants to be listed.
jimnoble said:
There are over 200 editors with universal permissions who can work in that category if they choose to do so. If nobody wants to edit a category for a long time, it remains unedited. That might seem harsh, but it's the nature of an all volunteer directory.
With only 200 editors and many many categories on DOMZ, it will take time..If they chose to do so...I guess its like that commercial for that rotisserie chicken.. You Set It and Forget It.. We will see what happens..and I am sorry to offend or make people upset here..I just wanted to vent a bit I guess, and would like to thank everyone for there time...