I can not understand my site's removal

This is Xavi from JBE Joier - LLadro from Spain. We had been submitted in "Recreation: Collecting: Figurines: Lladro" category during more than a year [URL removed] and now few months ago we had been dropped. We can not understand why, we haven't done any change in our website. We've been trying to be submitted again and it seems impossible. Is there anybody who could help us??? Thanks a lot for your help and regards from Spain..... (excuse my bad English)



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: I can not understand it...

"E-mail us for prices."

Um, for shopping, you gotta have the prices on the site that wants to be listed in shopping. Otherwise it's not a shopping site, it's just a marketing site -- which we don't list, just like TV Guide doesn't provide a schedule of Beer Commercials by brand.

If you have a walk-in place of business (I didn't notice a mention of it in my brief look at the site), you could submit to a Regional category, presumably the Locality where the shop is located.

Re: I can not understand it...

Thank you very much for your prompt reply, don't you think it could be a good place to be at "Recreation: Collecting: Figurines: Lladro"???, we had been there for a long time and our website is an international website (99% of our visits are from The USA). It would be great to be in the regional area and after that in a global international area, don't you think???

Regards from Spain



Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: I can not understand it...

No. It's not a "recreation" site. It's a commercial site.

Re: I can not understand it...

Being an Official Spanish LLadro Agency is an exposition and a commercial site. We saw that the other ones are commercial sites too, and that's why we thought it was right to submit our website there.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: I can not understand it...

Well, the distinction is not so clear in practice as it is in theory -- and some sites cross boundaries.
No great harm done -- the vast majority of sites submitted from the outside are to the wrong
category anyway. We continually urge editors to try to find the right category. (This, by the
way, is a service you will conspicuously NOT get for free submissions from your friends at Yahoo!)

Re: I can not understand it...

What you suggest me to do??? Insist in that category and be submitted as the other websites or can you suggest me another catgory please???

Thank you very much for your help

Re: I can not understand it...

Yes you are right and thank you very much for your help.


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Re: I can not understand it...

First, you can't "insist" on a listing at all, let alone a listing in any particular category. There may not BE a category at all.

But the site LOOKS like a retail site. Why not add information (that is, prices!) so it will better fulfill its function of soliciting buyers, AND will meet the requirements to be listed in a retail (Shopping) category?

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