I can't seem to get listed - 2 yrs of submissions



I've listed my site once every month or two for the last 2 years, an have never had so much as a response. I'm at a loss. My company is a major player in RV Lending, and we're positioned well in virtually all of the search engines. I just don't know what the snag is with ODP. If someone could please help me, I'd be very appreciative.

Barry Wilder
Owner - Best Rate Financial Services


Apr 15, 2003
Re: I can't seem to get listed - 2 yrs of submissi

If you want the status of your site then go to the Site Submission Status forum, and read very carefully the instructions on how to post questions.

If you just want a general answer: some sites may in fact take a couple of years to get listed and it's just a matter of waiting, some sites get listed very fast, and others will never be listed because they don't meet the guidelines.


Mar 26, 2002
I will let you in on something from experience here. Most of the posters here that say they have been waiting 1 or 2 years also seem to say that they have resubmitted a number of times. The problem with that is that the only thing that does is overwrite your other submissions with the latest submission date so if an editor looks at your submission it would look like you just submitted. The moral is, get a submission status check, if you are waiting then do not resubmit. It does no good and the evidence seems to indicate that it only delays the process. Good Luck!
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