I can't submit my site to dMOZ!

Nov 13, 2006
I’ve tried to add my site <url removed> (in Russian) a few times, but unsuccessfully.
Every time I’m receiving a massage “Service Temporarily Unavailable”.
Why, someone knows what’s happen?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003

Please see the announcement about the current technical problems. As soon as they are solved and it is possible to submit review suggestions again, the announcement will be updated.


Curlie Admin
Nov 13, 2003
I’ve tried to add my site <url removed> (in Russian) a few times, but unsuccessfully.
You can't "add" a site yourself, you can only suggest that an editor takes a look at it to see if it's suitable for listing. At the moment we've got some technical issues, but in general the form you use to submit a site stores the details where editors can find them to review.

The volunteer editors then aim to build the directory using whatever means they can. Typically this means looking at the sites suggested through the online form, and also going out and finding sites on their own (eg search engines, adverts, etc.)

If you've sugeested your site once, that's all you need to do. Please don't suggest it (or any related sites) multiple times -- the submission policy (which you agree to every time you use the form) forbids this in any case. At best a repeat submission will over-write a previous one, at worst it will leave multiple copies of your site for editors to have to delete. This wastes our time, and in extreme cases may lead to sites being banned altogether.

Since all the editors are voluteers, and we can't force anyone to edit in a particular category, we're unable to provide any time scale for the review of a site. I'm afraid you'll just have to wait patiently like everyone else who has suggested a site...
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.