Well, since you are going to take some gratuitous cheap shots about something you clearly don't understand, it is time for a blunt reply.
My job hangs in the balance (as do many jobs in the web marketing industry) on how a site ranks in google against the competition.
Then find a better job where expectations are realistic and measureable, but don't try and make us feel guilty because you work for someone who is going to try and hold you accountable for things over which you have absolutely no control.
We simply do not care about Google or page rank and are not about to go on a guilt trip because you do. What you are
REALLY whining about is the fact that you have run into something -- the ODP -- that you cannot manipulate to your own end, so you feel obliged to trash the project, and all who contribute to it. That's OK, we are used to it. It as become a source of pride.
DMOZ is one of the highest generators of pagerank on the internet.
Simply not true. Ask Matt Cutts. If you believe that then there is little wonder that your job/career is in jeopardy.
Don't be fooled readers of this string, DMOZ admins and editors have an agenda, they just have to deny it to the general public.
You hit that one on the button. They share the same agenda that most editors have: build the best human edited directory on the web without undue influence from webmasters, politicians, soccer-moms, and so-called SEO experts -- not one of whom cares the least about the betterment of the web, but only of their own gratification and page rank. Frankly the manner in which filks like you come in here and whine and posture is gratifying because it tells us that we are doing a good job of not selling out.
I actually was allowed in, then after a week was removed. I didn't know why. I was never told why. I found out later that I was removed by a competitor who is an admin or meta or something to the higher levels and he reconized me by some of my submissions. I learned about this from his former boss who he bragged to about it.
Unmitigated horse manure, and you know it. If you were ever an editor -- and I seriously doubt it -- the only way you could be removed after a week is to have grossly and blatently violated ODP editing policy in a manner that was deemed to be malicious.
By all means, carry on, but your postings are saying a lot more about you than they are about us. Every post you make reaffirms that we do not sell out to the SEO community -- no matter how much they wish we did.