I don't get it!!

Apr 30, 2007
I submitted an URL to the directory in the correct category. I follow all the guidlines. However I see no action and it has been over a month. This is a legit link to a legit site and I submitted to the correct caegory. I understand that no one is being paid to manage these sections, however Web developers are dependant on the listings getting into the directory because of how it relates to Google.com. I would appreciate some real advice (not just the generic "Be Paitient")

The websites competition is included and by not including the URL I submitted you are giving them an unfair advantage.

Please advise the correct course of action that will actually get results.



Jan 23, 2003
You actually get it, you just don't realize it yet.

  1. The ODP is not a submission service
  2. Once you have suggested a site there is nothing further you can do to help your cause; there are plenty of things you can do to hurt your cause.
  3. It can take years for a site to be reviewed by an editor; there is nothing you can do to speed up or facilitate the process.
  4. There is no issue of fairness here. That act of listing or not listing a site has nothing to do with fairness. The idea that it is somehow unfair that site X is listed and your site is not is not even worthy of a discussion.
  5. The imact of Google on a given site simply does not interest us. We don't do what we do because of Google and if Google went away tomorrow we would not change what we are doing or how we are doing it by one iota.
  6. you have done everything you need to do in order to get results; any further action on your part will likely be counterproductive.
Apr 30, 2007
That is a horrible answer.

Seriously... What gives a person the right to be so arrogent? What gives an admin or other editor the idea that it is fair to ignore one company yet promote another? Why would it be considered justified to have such actions when you are aware of how they effect the internet business.

I will tell you what. GREED. The only thing that even makes sense is that there are SEO companies who are clearly dominating this directory and many companies claim to have editors on their staff who can get them immediate inclusion. Why else would this be such an elitist environment.

I have never read so many posts that have the "We are better than you" attitude. Is this how you intend to be? Does a person have to pay off or suck up to get any sort of result?

Unfair is a true statement. Unfair and unjust and you don't care. However, it would be nice and it would make many people's job a lot eaiser if you admins and editors were held to some sort of requirement to serve the needs of the communities and not your egos.

Man, I have never experienced such a display of ego as can be found on this forum.

I asked for help and advice, and the answer I get is backwashed ego. Yuck!!

You should all be ashamed of yourselves for acting like that. You are NOT better than anyone else and holding the world's need for inclusion into your directory hostage is truely unfair.

Where is the accountability? Where is the responsibility to society?

You are aware that being listed in DMOZ directly effects google.com listings which reaches into most of the search engines on this entire planet.

That is a HUGE responsibility that you seem to negate.



Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
He wasn't being arrogant or egotistical. "Be patient" is the only answer we can give you. If you've suggested your site, that's all you can do. An editor will eventually review your suggestion but we can't say when that might be. Coming here to complain and insult editors is certainly not going to speed up the process, is it.

I have never read so many posts that have the "We are better than you" attitude.
Attitude really is in the eye of the beholder. What you see as arrogance really isn't. We try to explain how things are with respect to the ODP. Most site owners don't really like what they hear and feel that our insistence on repeating ourselves is arrogance.

Unfair is a true statement. Unfair and unjust and you don't care. However, it would be nice and it would make many people's job a lot eaiser if you admins and editors were held to some sort of requirement to serve the needs of the communities and not your egos.
We don't serve our egos. We don't serve web site owners, either, so there can be no requirement to serve their needs.

I asked for help and advice, and the answer I get is backwashed ego.
You were given the only advice we can give you. The fact that you don't like the advice is really irrelevant.

You are NOT better than anyone else and holding the world's need for inclusion into your directory hostage is truely unfair.

Where is the accountability? Where is the responsibility to society?
We're just one of many directories on the Web and far from the only place that someone's site can be listed. Our only responsibilities as editors is to ensure the growth of the directory within the guidelines set out. It isn't to ensure that all suggested sites are reviewed within a certain time frame. It isn't to ensure that the needs of webmasters and web site owners for promotion is met. It just isn't.

You are aware that being listed in DMOZ directly effects google.com listings which reaches into most of the search engines on this entire planet.

That is a HUGE responsibility that you seem to negate.
Google is just one of our data users. We have no responsibility to web site owners as a result of Google choosing to use our data. Being listed in the ODP is not a requirement to be in the Google search engine therefore we can't possibly be preventing a site from being found just because we haven't listed it.

You're looking for us to be something we're not. It's not arrogance for us to insist on telling you what we are, but it is arrogance for you to try to tell us what we should be.
Apr 30, 2007
Not Insults... Observations

If it feels like I am insulting admins or editors than perhaps the truth is hurting. I am not trying to insult anyone. By saying that the display of ego on this forum is obscene all I am doing is stating my opinion. However the truth may hurt.

I am patient as far as my boss it patient.

My job hangs in the balance (as do many jobs in the web marketing industry) on how a site ranks in google against the competition. I can't compete if I have to fight against the SEO companies editors who only position their clients websites actively?

DMOZ is one of the highest generators of pagerank on the internet. If DMOZ links to your site your pagerank is greatly increased.

Perhaps you should stop throwing the generic "Be Patient" around and actually add some sites already. I see editors and admins crusing this forum but they aren't crusing the sites that need inclusion are they?

Hmmm... Egos at work.

Perhaps you should remove google and other search engines from using your directory. That would remove the sense of urgency. Oh, but wait... Then how would you get all that payola that you deny getting?

Don't be fooled readers of this string, DMOZ admins and editors have an agenda, they just have to deny it to the general public.

FYI: I have applied to be an editor on several occaisions. I was denied 3 times and once I actually was allowed in, then after a week was removed. I didn't know why. I was never told why. I found out later that I was removed by a competitor who is an admin or meta or something to the higher levels and he reconized me by some of my submissions. I learned about this from his former boss who he bragged to about it.

This is just one example that I have actually experienced within your directory. I have heard 100's of simular stories.

Don't forget how many companies advertise that they have a DMOZ editor or admin on the payroll.

Yep, if you get to the admin level you can make a BUNCH of money working with the SEO companies.

Unfair practices and huge egos. I wish you would just stop it.


Nov 7, 2006
Perhaps you should stop throwing the generic "Be Patient" around and actually add some sites already. I see editors and admins crusing this forum but they aren't crusing the sites that need inclusion are they?

Actually, seeing as how I edit for fun in my free time, and as spring is now here, I think I'll put editing on the back burner for the next month or so. You don't mind if I use my time doing what I want to do with it, do you?

I think my ego and I will spend some time working on my water garden, that is, after I do a full days work in my business. (It's the kids, you know, they get cranky if you don't feed them) :)


Jan 23, 2003
Well, since you are going to take some gratuitous cheap shots about something you clearly don't understand, it is time for a blunt reply.

My job hangs in the balance (as do many jobs in the web marketing industry) on how a site ranks in google against the competition.

Then find a better job where expectations are realistic and measureable, but don't try and make us feel guilty because you work for someone who is going to try and hold you accountable for things over which you have absolutely no control.

We simply do not care about Google or page rank and are not about to go on a guilt trip because you do. What you are REALLY whining about is the fact that you have run into something -- the ODP -- that you cannot manipulate to your own end, so you feel obliged to trash the project, and all who contribute to it. That's OK, we are used to it. It as become a source of pride.

DMOZ is one of the highest generators of pagerank on the internet.

Simply not true. Ask Matt Cutts. If you believe that then there is little wonder that your job/career is in jeopardy.

Don't be fooled readers of this string, DMOZ admins and editors have an agenda, they just have to deny it to the general public.

You hit that one on the button. They share the same agenda that most editors have: build the best human edited directory on the web without undue influence from webmasters, politicians, soccer-moms, and so-called SEO experts -- not one of whom cares the least about the betterment of the web, but only of their own gratification and page rank. Frankly the manner in which filks like you come in here and whine and posture is gratifying because it tells us that we are doing a good job of not selling out.

I actually was allowed in, then after a week was removed. I didn't know why. I was never told why. I found out later that I was removed by a competitor who is an admin or meta or something to the higher levels and he reconized me by some of my submissions. I learned about this from his former boss who he bragged to about it.

Unmitigated horse manure, and you know it. If you were ever an editor -- and I seriously doubt it -- the only way you could be removed after a week is to have grossly and blatently violated ODP editing policy in a manner that was deemed to be malicious.

By all means, carry on, but your postings are saying a lot more about you than they are about us. Every post you make reaffirms that we do not sell out to the SEO community -- no matter how much they wish we did.


Jan 26, 2004
I don't get it!!
You sure don't. I do not see any arrogant replies. Just because the answer is not the sort of answer you don't like, dosen't make it arrogant. I suggest you read all the replies above again, slowly, and absorb what is being said.


Curlie Admin
Sep 18, 2002
have applied to be an editor on several occaisions. I was denied 3 times and once I actually was allowed in, then after a week was removed. I didn't know why. I was never told why. I found out later that I was removed by a competitor who is an admin or meta or something to the higher levels and he reconized me by some of my submissions. I learned about this from his former boss who he bragged to about it.
Since removal of an account is only done after discussion and a consensus among meta editors, removal by a single meta editor is not possible. As for the rest of your post, well, as spectregunner notes, it speaks volumes and I'm sure readers can see for themselves what it's saying. :D
Apr 30, 2007
It's a sad sad day...

Whatever. I know that you all really want this directory to appear legit. In some cases there are probably very authentic editors who spend just spare time on here for fun. I never said that all editors and admins were corrupt.

However, those who make the loudest protest are probably the most corrupt.

I am not whining not even complaining. I am just making statements so that anyone who reads this string will be aware of the corruption that exists in DMOZ.

I see a few of you have worked really hard to pick apart the things that I have stated with efforts to make it look like I was ignorant or off my rocker. I know that game and I don't wish to play it back. I will just plainly state that everything I have said is the absolute truth and I can provide proof to each and every statement.

Of course proof doesn't matter. Especially to those who make a living manipulating the directory to their desires by having several profiles (I know it's against the rules, but it still happens a bunch)

There is one SEO company in NY that has 3 guys there who each have more the 2 meta profiles. Why would they want to do this you might ask? Well so that they can have control over things like ejecting other editors who apply for the areas they try to control. DUH!!

Of course I expect that the ego maniacs will again try to pick apart what I am saying and try to make it look unfounded. That is their game. Don't be fooled by the lies they try to feed you. If you are reading this string, there is a good chance that you have experienced some of the same headaches that I have and now you know why DMOZ is such a pain to get into. You didn't pay the right people.

I can only pray that someday DMOZ will really step up to the plate and find a better way to keep people from abusing what should have been a really great search tool.


Mar 26, 2002
Southern England
Of course I expect that the ego maniacs will again try to pick apart what I am saying and try to make it look unfounded.
No they won't because you aren't willing to read rational responses.

Most of us are tired of such unfounded accusations and you're more likely find people who'll agree with you in some other forum. I suggest that you go play over there.

This thread has nothing to do with the aims of this forum so I'm closing it. Please do not start a similar one here.
This site has been archived and is no longer accepting new content.