I found my site here manually but not with search


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Search is broken. The search results are wrong. Ignore the search results. Do not ask any questions about the search results, because we know they are wrong.
Mar 16, 2004
I found my site here manually

I don't understand your answer to the original problem, I am having the exact same issue. Please provide a few more details.
Thank you very much.
Mar 16, 2004
I found my site here manually

I scrolled down the list of posts and found another post addressing the same topic. It is now clear to me that the search function of DMOZ is down and is being repaired. Thank you dogbow.
To Hutchinson, your tone of...'do not ask any questions' is rather harsh. I've seen that quite a bit from this forum and it's moderators. Just because I'm not a computer genius doesn't mean that I should be snapped at and shoved aside. Granted, we posters out here need to follow guidelines and behave but I think some of the moderators need to show some courtasy as well.


Apr 8, 2004
You are quite welcome. But, do not think too harshly of hutcheson. He is one of the most helpful editors in the forum. The very first time he posted on one of my questions. I was sure he was snapping at me. But he then took the time to come back to the post later to give me a very good suggestion to my question. He is just very direct. I do not believe any harshness is intentional on his part. And you also have to remember, that this question has been asked about a million times in this forum over the last few weeks.


Apr 15, 2003
I realize that the replies here seem abrupt, but this is not a newbies guide to ODP, or a guide to use forums in general, it's a status forum to give answers. I think we assume that anyone putting up a website is not a beginner.

And I think anyone who posts in a forum of any kind has a certain responsibility to do some work before posting, that includes looking around and seeing if someone else has already asked the same question.

So answers here, especially if it's to the same question that's been asked several times in the last few days, tend to be direct and to the point, and may from an external view seem rude and nasty.
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