I give up. The DMOZ is obviously incompetent.



Over a year ago I applied to be the editor of Recreation: Drugs: Dissociatives: DXM, and was totally ignored. Not as in rejected, but they never responded. I applied again about a month ago. Again, totally ignored. This is all of 10 site category, and at this point my main interest was cleaning out 3 long dead sites that don't belong there, but remain. I could accept being rejected; although I can't imagine why in this case. However, by being totally ignored the DMOZ this just sending the message to outsiders "go away, we don't want you". I guess I'll have to stick with Zeal, but I was hoping more from the DMOZ than this. Sigh. <img src="/images/icons/frown.gif" alt="" />


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
Did you receive the confirmation email and hit reply? If you did not reply, we would never have received your application. There are currently no applications for anywhere in Rec/Drugs in the queue.


Sure about that? I just tried applying *again* and got the following error:

* Sorry, you can only have one application at a time. *

Your software is indeed saying that there is a pending application for me. My user name is rfgdxm, and e-mail is rfgdxm@mochamail.com if that helps you. If you can't find this in the queue, something is hosed somewhere. I can't seem to find that e-mail that was supposed to have been sent to me. However, obviously your computer has that application from me by the error message above. What should I do? It won't allow me to resubmit, and you say you have no application, so this is a problem.


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
Metas have the option of sorting new applications by category (how I looked the first time), but just in case, I double-checked the entire queue: nothing for Rec/Drugs, nobody with mochamail.com as their email, and no username rfgdxm. Appears to be a bug; I'll have staff look into it, and if nothing else, they can clear the queue so you can resubmit your application.

Please read and follow the editor Guidelines before resubmitting. Keeping up with and maintaining the Guidelines standards is something all editors are expected to do. A meta will post here to let you know when you can safely resubmit. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


OK. I saved to a file the application I just sent today that was bounced so it should be easy to reapply. If necessary because of this bug I could e-mail the application if there is an appropriate address. Odd bug that the computer is telling me I have a pending application, yet you can't find it anywhere.


Curlie Meta
Mar 7, 2002
Staff cleared your "pending" application. You can reapply now.

And yes, we do get the odd, unexplainable bug now and then. Metas have access to a lot; staff has access to even more. This was not something I or any other meta could access and resolve without staff intervention. We never know when or how these situations will crop up. Sorry your path through the application process has been bumpy - hopefully we'll see your application soon. <img src="/images/icons/smile.gif" alt="" />


OK. I just sent in the application again for the DXM category. I got the e-mail from DMOZ, and replied to it as instructed. Thus, there should be a pending application in the queue now from me. I hope this time it'll get acted on. I'd be surprised in fact if I were turned down. I am provably highly competent in the subject matter of this category. Plus, it is a small, dinky little category so I shouldn't have problems with anyone thinking I'd be way over my head, such as when people apply for large, complex categories. Considering all the problems I've had in the past, if you can have someone put a wiggle in reviewing this application I'd appreciate it. <img src="/images/icons/wink.gif" alt="" />
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