I got listed quickly

Jay Anderson

Mar 15, 2004
Hello all I just want to say something positive about the listing process.

All I see is complaints about not getting listed quickly and how people are losing business. I have several websites I have created for people over the years.

In the past I had some of these sites listed in DMOZ that I found were no longer there and through resaearch found out dmoz had a problem. When I submitted I followed the simpilist of porcedures 1) the site was completed not a work in progress 2) submitted to the correct category 3) gave a description of the site not a keyword spam 4) waited expecting the sites to take time.

Well that was only 5 days ago for me and of 5 sites I have re-submitted 3 are now listed. You say only 3? Yep! Trust me I am egocentric as much as the next person but to think I am the only website submitted is a ridiculous expectation. The shear quantitiy must be amazing to recieve.

I think that is great and I am sure when the FREE NON PAID EDITOR GETS TIME from his real life he will get to add the others. We all do realize these people are not paid I hope. It is not a job for them or something your purchased and deserve service. Which is the reason DMOZ is a valuable link.

Next I would like to address the having the link prior and then losing it and its affect on the search engines. I must say it did affect my sites however I know why and explained it to my customers. We did not have an active web campain. Why is DMOZ so important? Because it is a valuable and heavy link do to the scrutiny put into creating it.

So to rely on one link is also a riduclous expectation. You must always be developing your site and the best way is always GOOD CONTENT!! The internet is like a library. Do you go to the library to check out advertisment or usefull information?

I just wanted to rant thanks for your time :)


Curlie Meta
Mar 23, 2002
Seriously...this isn't a positive example of the process, any more than other posts are negative. This is simply a data point out of an irrelevant set of statistics.

A genuine "positive" testimony would be something like "I thought I had an good list of sites on topic 'Y', but when I compared it to the ODP directory I found that the sites the ODP didn't have, really didn't contribute anything that couldn't be found from the listed sites, and the ODP had a lot of good sites that weren't on my list."

And a genuine "negative" testimony would be "I looked at topic 'Y' and listings #1, 2, 4, 12, and 65 were useless for this reason." (You'll notice that kind of report usually gets almost instant attention!)

It's a completely different way of looking at things: "Great, the ODP has all of my competitors that matter!" rather than "The ODP has all of my competitors that (in the opinion of an unbiased observer) matter, therefore it's all an evil conspiracy to deprive me of the prominence to which my imagination justly entitles me!"

And contrarian is a good thing to be. Really.


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Jay Anderson said:
Hello all I just want to say something positive about the listing process.
Thanks for letting us know. As whit many things in live people are quick to complain but most of them will never tell you when they are happy. As a result it might seem that all people are having bad experiences. But in reality they are just a minority with the majority of happy people being quit. So thanks for giving us one of these happy stories.

When I submitted I followed the simpilist of porcedures 1) the site was completed not a work in progress 2) submitted to the correct category 3) gave a description of the site not a keyword spam 4) waited expecting the sites to take time.
That is indeed the best you could have done. I wished more people would follow your example.

I think that is great and I am sure when the FREE NON PAID EDITOR GETS TIME from his real life he will get to add the others. We all do realize these people are not paid I hope. It is not a job for them or something your purchased and deserve service. Which is the reason DMOZ is a valuable link.
Whow. You realy do understand DMOZ. Aren't you interested to join. :)

Jay Anderson

Mar 15, 2004
I have tried in thepast and Nothing

I have tried in the past and was not accepted. This is one of the reasons I am going to start posting comments with the hope this shows true interest and realistic expectations. Maybe even help someone with advice although it does appear everyone expects instant gratification.

The first thing I do is look at a categories status for an editor. Every category I sumbit to for the above sites was available "Volunteer to edit this category" and I assumed that it would take months to a year. Lucky me for the first three sites and again I will wait patiently for the others.

I pose a couple questions if DMOZ prevents everyone from being listed...
1) Why are there so many sites in the directory?
2) If it did list everyone... What would be the difference betweeen it and a link farm?


Curlie Meta
Oct 8, 2002
Jay Anderson said:
I have tried in the past and was not accepted. This is one of the reasons I am going to start posting comments with the hope this shows true interest and realistic expectations. Maybe even help someone with advice although it does appear everyone expects instant gratification.

I assume you mean you have tried to become an editor.
Many editors have not been accepted on their first try. Learn from the comments you received and try again.
The only advise I can give is to select a category which is not to small and not to big, provide 3 sites to be listed in that category (those sites should not be listed yet in DMOZ) and write good titles and descriptions. And don't forget to be honest and complete with the other questions.
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