I have applied for sites

Tanzil Ahmed

Nov 6, 2007

I have applied for sites as follows for two years ago till now they have not been approved what is the matter?

[urls removed]

Please tell me the reason even though i have applied in the correct category.

Tanzil Ahmed

Nov 6, 2007
Your guidelines were fulfill even then two years i do not know are you people started to get bribery as the news is in in the market or what?


Jan 23, 2003
There is no need to get nasty.

If it has been more than a year since you last suggested your site, you are welcome to suggest it one additional time to the correct category, as many of the unreviewed suggestions were lost in last year's server crash.


Nov 8, 2007
Could it be that you have re-suggested the site? i have heared it then goes to the bottom of the list, is that correct?


Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
Not exactly. What happens is that the new site suggestion overwrites the old one. Some editors sometimes review suggested sites in date order, which would mean that a more recently suggested site would be appear at the bottom of the list of waiting sites - but there is no compulsion to review sites in any particular order, and many editors don't consider the date for the suggestion at all.

However, suggesting the site more than once to the same category can still cause the process to take longer, so it's usually not a good thing to do :)


Nov 9, 2007
Does anyone know that amount of time it ussually takes? I submitted it on 10/16. The web site say it takes about 2 weeks. Just curious if this is an accurate time frame.



Meta & kMeta
Curlie Meta
Mar 28, 2003
The web site say it takes about 2 weeks
Well, no, it doesn't say that. "2 weeks" is, as far as I am aware (though I may be wrong) only mentioned in connection with other sites that use ODP data -- it says something like "If your site is listed in the ODP, it can take from 2 weeks to several months before it is listed with external users of ODP data including Google Directory and AOL Search ."

As for how long it takes for a site to be reviewed, that is impossible to answer. Certainly a review can happen within two weeks' time, but it can quite as easily be several years. It depends on the category and how much interest there is from the editors to edit in that particular category.

This and other questions are addressed in our eminent FAQ :)


Jan 23, 2003
How come it takes so long? How in depth is this review?

Fair question. :)

The review itself can take a mater of minutes to an hour or longer. Factors include the complexity of the site, the nature of the site (is it in an industry that is rife with affiliates and spammers), the correctness and completeness of the suggestion.

If someone suggests, say, a restaurant site that has 4 pages, it is suggested to the correct subcategory within the correct locality, and it has no broken links, no nasty content or redirects, it is not a mirror. Just a nice clean website, the review is fairly fast.

If the owner of this restaurant website decides to ignore our guidelines and instead of sugesting it to the locality where it physically resides, and suggests it to the state level, they have induced additional time in teh process because an editor needs to find the site, move it to the correct locality and then it still needs to get reviewed. I have spent many a multi-hour editing session doing nothing but moving mis-suggested sites.

The real holdup in reviews is simply one of available resources. There are around 7,000 active editors, none are what you would call full-time, none are paid to edit, it is done as a hobby or as a labor of love (for some of us it borders on insanity). Heck, it can be weeks or even months between logins for some editors.

There is probably an 80-20 type rule that applies -- I'd bet that 5% of the active editors do 90% of the edits in any given month. That's just speculation on my part.

Also, there is much more to editing than just adding sites. We clean out spam, design categories, hunt for sites that were not suggested, hunt for bad links and sites with changed content.

Bottom line, there is a lot of activity, but not all of it is focused on adding sites that were suggested. Prior to the great crash, we had sites awaiting review for more than 3 years.


Curlie Meta
Curlie Meta
Jun 25, 2004
Massachusetts, USA
A good 1st step is to review http://www.dmoz.org/help/become.html

Locate a small category that is of particular interest to you and that has a number of quality sites that have not yet been listed. Some people choose to start out in a small Regional Locality, either a hometown or an area that you are somewhat familiar with.

Try to stay away form areas that may attract large quantities of spam and misplaced submissions.

Once you have selected a category, find three unlisted URLs that fit the category description (found to the upper right of most categories). Provide these URL selections with good, guidelines compliant titles and descriptions and fill out the remainder of the application as instructed.

To determine if a URL is listed, try a directory search with just the domain name minus the www. (e.g. mysite.com vs. www.mysite.com)

Pay attention to grammar and spelling, and be upfront about any and all sites that you are personally affiliated with.
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